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Haruto's POV

Today is my sister's birthday and I invited all of the Treasure members but two people didn't make it. Doyoung and Hyunsuk hyung. I told them that I've already forgiven them but they told me that they just can't face me because of guilt.

"Haruto! How's married life been going?" Jihoon asked me and I just told them that waking up next to Yuri always feels like heaven. Yuri pinched my cheeks saying that I was too cheesy but I told her that I'm just being honest. 

"That sure sounds like the baby's coming soon, huh?" Junkyu uttered which made me look at him with wide eyes.

"Uh well... I'd just go over there, Haruto. Just talk to them, I'm going to be fine." Yuri removed my arms around her waist and walked towards her mother.

"Junkyu hyung!!!" I exclaimed which made him flinch in surprise.

"Why? Did I say something wrong? Usually, couples would just say yes, right?" He looked at me and I swear, I would've thrown him outside by now but I know that he's just slow-witted at times.

"You idiot! That would've been the case for some but theirs are complicated!" Jihoon hyung knocked Junkyu hyung's head, making Junkyu yelp in pain.

"What exactly is going on Haruto?" Jeongwoo asked me and all I can do is sigh. What's wrong, huh?

"Nothing's wrong... Yuri is rejecting all of my advances towards her but I totally understand where it's coming from. I think she's scared."

"That she'll lose a child again?" Yedam asked which I answered with a nod.

"You're right... She's been through a lot." Yoshinori mumbled as he patted my shoulders.

"I stopped pressuring her about it when I realized what's making her stop me but it's people like Junkyu hyung that stresses her over it."

"Ya, I'm sorry! I just forgot about it." Junkyu hyung pouted and the other members cringed at him.

"Well anyway, besides that, everything's well. I'm really happy right now and I know that we'll have a burst of new sunshine at the right time." 

They all nodded to me and I opened a new topic to talk about. When all of them are absorbed in the new topic, I looked at Yuri and realized that she's looking at me so I waved at her.

Yuri's POV

Haruto waved at me when our eyes met so I waved back at him. I then gave him a thumbs up and directed my gaze back to my mother.

"So there's something wrong, right?" My mom told me which made me sigh.

"Mom I... I know that Haruto clearly wants a child but I'm scared... What if I los-"

"Yuri, everything happens for a reason. Besides, everything is different now but if you really feel scared, then don't force yourself." I bit my lower lip as I looked at Haruto who's laughing with the others.

"Thank you, Mom..." She smiled at me and began to caress my hands.

When the party is over, Haruto drove Treasure to their hotel. On our way back home, Haruto suddenly held my hands while his other one is on the steering wheel.

"Yuri, about what Junkyu hyung said earlier... I'm sorry... You don't have to think much about it, alright?" I looked at Haruto who's focusing on the road. I held his hand tightly and looked in front of me again.

"You don't have to apologize, Haruto. It's a normal thing to ask for couples." The car stopped because we're now in front of our house. It was dead silent for a while not until Haruto went out of the car.

He walked around the car to open the door for me. When I got out of the car, he pulled me into a tight hug, which made me smile.

"It's already enough for me that you're right here by my side." Haruto whispered right into my ears, making me shiver.

I drew out of the hug and caressed his right cheek with my left hand. I stared into his face and I felt my heart beating faster as I drowned in his gaze. There's something in his eyes and he's not very good at hiding it.


I pulled on his tie to make his face nearer and our lips immediately touched. Haruto began to wrap his arms around my waist whilst I felt my back land on the car's door. Just then, he bent down and raised my legs, making me wrap them around his body.

We still kissing as we're slowly making our way inside the house. I didn't even notice that we're already sitting on the bed.

I have undergone so many challenges and there are times that I wanted to give up. However, what kept me going is this man in front of me. I think that the me 8 years ago would've never thought that I'd be married to this guy.

Love really is unpredictable. We've gone through ups and downs but I'm thankful that we still ended up together.

We've lost a lot but together, we'll gain happiness.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked me as soon as we stopped kissing. I just smiled at him and nodded while caressing his face.

"Why wouldn't I be sure? You're the only person I love, Haruto."

"I'll love you forever, Yuri." 

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now