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*present day*

Yuri's POV

"WHAT?! NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM!" My eyebrows furrowed as Ally shouted. I'm in a car right now, on the way to her condo right now to pick my son.

"He's my child, Ally. I can pick him up whenever I want." She sounded like she was about to cry and I'm starting to get nervous.

"Did something happened Ally?" 

"No-Nothing! I just missed him so much and I wanted to spend more time with him! Yuri please!" I sighed at her pleads and I told the driver to drive to the company.

"Fine. How is he? Don't feed him too many strawberries or he'll end up vomiting it, Ally." Ally said yes and I talked to her for a while before finally ending the call. 

As the car made its way back to the company, I looked inside my bag for some candies but instead, I saw Dohyun's vitamin that he's supposed to take about 10 minutes from now. 

I immediately told the driver to turn around and drive towards Ally's condo again because Dohyun needs to drink his vitamin. He caught a cold just a few days ago and I can't handle to see him sick again.

Doyoung will also get paranoid and insist on staying home with his son. 

I didn't bother to call Ally and when we arrived at her condominium building, I rode the elevator and pressed the floor where her condo is. 

When I arrived in front of her condo, I already knew the password so I just typed it and walked inside. I took the vitamin out of my bag and placed my bag on the countertop. 

As I walked towards the living room, I saw Dohyun on the mat covered with a blanket sleeping peacefully. 

A movie is playing and I slowly felt anger as I realized that it's the same movie that Haruto and I watched together. My Neighbor Totoro.

Suddenly, thunder sounded in the movie waking Dohyun. He woke up and started crying loudly so I picked him up and swayed my body sidewards so he'll calm down.

"Dohyun, it's mommy. Don't cry." I whispered into his ears but he just cried harder.

"Shit, why is he crying!" I heard a deep voice from the comfort room which made my heart beat faster.

Don't tell me that it's Ally's boyfriend?! She told me that she misses Dohyun but I think she's just making out in the toilet with her boyfriend!

"Dohyun-ah! Wait a minu-" The door opened and I saw a man went out of the toilet. I started to walk backward as I realized who that man is. Haruto.

"Yu-Yuri?" He mumbled my name in his deep voice, making my heart beat faster. 

I immediately ran towards the door and went out of Ally's condo. I can hear him calling my name but I ignored him and prayed that the elevator will be available.

When I pressed the button, the small screen showed that the elevator is on the ground floor and we're on the freaking 10th floor!

I felt a hand grab on my arms and saw a panting Haruto beside me. I removed his hands and slapped him on his face. Dohyun started to cry again making me go crazy.

"I don't know why you're on Ally's condo and why you're with my child but don't make me file a restraining order." I waited for the elevator but it's just taking so long.

"Yuri, we need to talk. I didn't cheat on you! Let me explain!" I felt that my eyes are starting to water and that I won't be able to stop them from falling.

"No explanations can bring us back together, Haruto. I only have hatred left against you." The elevator opened and luckily, no one is inside. I went inside the elevator and pressed the ground floor button.

He followed me inside and the elevator closed, leaving me with my crying son and Haruto who's kneeling down the ground.

"I didn't cheat on you, Yuri. It was all a setup by Doyoung!" My tears started to fall as our eyes met. He's also crying a river but I tried my best to calm down.

"Stop making him look bad just to make me go back to you." I took back my arm and wiped the tears on my face.

"Doyoung is a kind man and affectionate father." 

"I'm not making him look bad! I'm telling the truth, Yuri!" I avoided his gaze and took a few steps backward when he stood up.

"Even if you're telling the truth, I still won't go back to you." I took a deep breath then looked straight into his eyes.

"I will never fall out of love because I don't want my son to grow up with a broken family."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now