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Yuri's POV

A car stopped and the next thing I knew, Haruto is already sitting right in front of me. He fixed my hair and showed me a warm smile. He helped me stand up but when I remembered Yedam again, I pushed him away from me.

"Yedam... broke up with me." I'm not really surprised that he didn't show any reaction. He told me to go inside the car but I gripped the sleeves of his white shirt.

"It's because of you." No, it's not because of Haruto. He's only been taking care of me. I know that it's not his fault but... it hurts. 

It hurts so much and I can't think straight because of those damned drinks. I'm just... venting out my feelings to him and I'm stupid for doing that.

"Do you think you're the only one having a hard time?!" I shouted when Haruto tried to pull me inside the car. 

"The one I love broke up with me, Haruto! And it's all because of you!" I'm pretty sure that what I'm saying isn't even making sense right now. 

My mouth is blurting out random words and Haruto is just patiently listening to me.

"Yedam is... my everything... I loved him! I was ready to throw my life away for him!" My tears started to fall and Haruto finally managed to put me inside the car.

He buckled up my seatbelt despite me, trying to push him away. He started driving, giving a response at every sentence I tell him. I'm just talkative when I'm drunk.

"Yedam doesn't love me anymore..."

"It's alright, I'm here."

"Haruto... I don't know what to do..."

"We'll figure it out together."

"What if I'll never get over Yedam? What will happen to me?"

"You will, Yuri. I'll help you get over him."

The car stopped because of the stoplight which gave Haruto a chance to look straight into my eyes. He then held my left cheek with his right hand, showing me a smile.

"I won't leave you, Yuri. I promise." Haruto looked back at the road when the stoplights turned green. I just watched him drive, slowly gaining back my sanity.

When we finally arrived at his house, I laid down on the couch, letting my tears fall as I remembered Yedam breaking up with me.

"Here, drink this." I sat properly and took the glass of warm water from Haruto's hands then he tucked my stray hair behind my ears.

"Are you happy?" I asked Haruto, knowing that he likes me. He shook his head, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"You're hurting. Why would I have time to be happy?" I laid my back flatly on the couch and Haruto did the same thing. He placed a pillow on his lap, then he made me lay my head on the pillow.

"I'm just disappointed in myself. If only I accompanied you earlier then I would've at least punched him in the face." 

"I wish you were there." 

"So I can punch Yedam hyung?"

I shook my head because seeing Yedam getting hurt is still one of my fears. I still love him after all. Feelings can't be forgotten in just a few hours.

"Your presence makes me feel like I can do everything." Haruto looked so confused but I just closed my eyes, not wanting to explain further.

Haruto is kind and he's actually dependable. He makes me happy and I always feel safe when he's around me.

I felt his fingers press down my cheeks, making me smile. His finger then moved downwards and I'm guessing that he's now pressing down on my dimples.

"You look so pretty when you smile." Suddenly, I felt his fingers graze against my lips which made me open my eyes. His eyes looked so soft and I'm getting absorbed. He then landed a peck on my forehead, making my heart flutter.

"Give me a chance to make you fall in love with me, Yuri."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now