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*2 years ago*

Yuri's POV

"I know it's somewhere around here but why can't I find it..." I can feel my knees trembling as I felt cold. Where is that damned cinnamon powder! 

I didn't want to go inside the pantry but it's our maid's day off so I had to look for it myself. I just want a french toast!

Suddenly, the lights turned off and it became pitch black in here. I ran towards the door but my eyes widened when the doorknob wouldn't unlock. I then remembered Doyoung saying that the door is broken.

But why are the lights off?!  I can handle the door being locked but it's too dark!

As seconds passed, I felt my chest tightening from time to time and I can't breathe properly. Memories from my childhood started to flash on my mind as I slowly fell on the floor.

"Doyoung!!! Do... young..." I tried to scream even if I already know that Doyoung is at the grocery. I was just too scared and feeling helpless.

"Ha... ruto..." My tears started to fall as I felt like the walls are getting closer to me. 

My hands are trembling so hard and I didn't know what to do as I cried out the name of a man that wouldn't even possibly know where I am right now.


Haruto's POV

The door is still closed when I arrived back at the living room. Doyoung is screaming my name and saying 'Bring Yuri out' repeatedly.

Mashiho, Asahi, and Yoshinori were looking at me as I held the doorknob, unlocking it after a few seconds. I took a few steps backward and the door swung open, almost hitting my face.

"I know you're hiding Yuri! Bring her out!" Doyoung exclaimed, grabbing my collar while Yoshinori and Mashiho tried to pull him away from me.

"Stop this Doyoung. Stop bothering us or we'll call the police on you." Asahi sternly uttered which Doyoung replied with a sarcastic laugh.

"You can? Then go! Call them!" Doyoung pushed Yoshinori and Mashiho away from him and went upstairs. I just told the three guys to let him be and after just a few minutes, Doyoung went down, without even looking at us.

He then opened every door here on the first floor, except for the door in the kitchen, which leads to the pantry. When he finally opened the last door, he looked at the pantry's door and shifted his gaze straight on my eyes.

"You better tell me that you didn't fucking hide her inside the pantry." Doyoung's voice sounded strangely threatening and I wasn't able to answer.

He started to run towards the pantry's door and I tried to stop him. He then pushed me so hard that I lost my balance and fell on the floor.

Asahi helped me stand up but it was too late. Doyoung already opened the pantry and I started to hear ragged breathing. My heart started to beat faster as he was about to open the door.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him outside the pantry and I went inside, locking the door right after.


Doyoung started to slam the door but I ignored him and opened the small door leading to the underground wine cellar. My eyes widened when I saw Yuri lying on the floor, whispering my name.

I immediately went down and carried her out of the wine cellar, her cheeks have traces of tears and I can only bite my lower lip because of confusion.

When I opened the door of the pantry, Doyoung tried to take her away from me but Yuri wrapped her hands around my waist.

"Ple-please stop Doyoung..." Yuri started to mumble which made Doyoung freeze.

"Just stop." Yuri slowly stood by herself and I placed her arm over my shoulder to give her support.

"Seeing you... only makes me remember painful memories." Doyoung tried to go near her again but she slapped Doyoung's cheeks, making him take a few steps away from her.

"Please leave me alone." Yuri looked straight into his eyes and he glared at me before walking outside the house. 

As soon as he got out, Mashiho locked the door and Yuri almost fell on the ground but luckily, I was able to wrap my arm around her waist on time.

"Yuri I'm sorry! I didn't know th-"

"I'm alright..." She whispered as her hands caressed my cheeks.

"I'm just happy that you're here right now..." I was left confused by her statement but Asahi told me to bring her to my room so she can rest for a while.

"We'll stay here for a while to make sure that Doyoung won't come back so just be with her." Yoshinori told me as he patted my shoulder and I nodded at him, running upstairs right after.

"I'm really sorry for not knowing Yuri..." I repeatedly whispered as I laid her on my bed. Suddenly, she grabbed my hand and I fell on the space beside her.

"I said don't be sorry. It's not your fault, Haruto. You didn't know about it because I didn't tell you." She wrapped her hands around my waist and buried her face on my chest.

"I'm already fine so don't cry." I then drew out of her hug and held her face with both of my hands. 

"How can I not feel like this if I brought you inside a place that you're scared of? I'm too stup-" Yuri cut me off with a kiss on my lips, which made my eyes widened.

"You had good intentions Haruto. Besides, you're here with me right now so I'm fine..." I tucked her stray hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Yuri." I stared at her and watched her mouth open but no words came out.

"It's alright. I'm not rushing you." She smiled at me and my heart beat faster as she caressed my hair.

"I think my mom's right..." She looked straight into my eyes and all I can do is get lost in her gaze.

"I forced myself into loving Doyoung because of Dohyun." I can almost feel my heart jumping out of my chest as Yuri told me that statement.

"So now that you're right in front of me and I'm hearing those words from you again, there's only one thing that my heart is shouting as an answer." I felt tears streaming down my cheeks and Yuri started to chuckle.

She held my cheeks with both of her hands and wiped my tears with her small thumbs.

"I love you too, Haruto."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now