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Yuri's POV

"Hey, wake up..." I whispered, watching Haruto who's still sleeping. A giggle came out of my mouth when he groaned.

"I don't want to..." He suddenly pulled me closer to him, making me smile. Haruto kissed my forehead, burying my face into his chest right after.

"We should just stay like this forever..." He mumbled, voice still raspy as he just woke up.

"We can't. You need to train, right?" He pulled out of the hug, then I saw that he's pouting. I went off the bed and pulled him so he'll follow me.

"Let's see..." I opened Doyoung's refrigerator and saw eggs. I immediately grabbed four eggs and proceeded to look for the pan. As I looked for it, I felt Haruto's arm, wrap around my body, making me smile.

"Ya, I won't be able to cook!" He ignored my words and instead, he just hugged me tighter then placed his head over my right shoulder, kissing my cheeks.

"Why are you so sweet?" I asked him as I tried to cook with his hands wrapped around me.

"I'm just doing all of the things I wanted to do when you were not here. Did you know that I always kiss my phone when you fall asleep during our video calls?" I shook my head, not really having any idea that he did that.

"Well, now that you're here, I can kiss you when I want, right?" I felt my blood rushing towards my cheeks as Haruto kissed my right cheek.

"If you keep on bothering me then I will limit the times you kiss me in a day." Haruto pouted but he eventually backed off and sat at the chair.

"You're too much!" Haruto pouted as he laid his head on the table. I just laughed at him as I was busy making some fried rice. When I finished cooking the rice, I cooked the beaten eggs and placed it above the fried rice.

"Oh~ I missed this!" Haruto exclaimed as I placed the food on the table. I was smiling as I watched him eat with gusto. 

"So will you go home after eating?" Haruto asked and I just nodded as I was still chewing the food in my mouth. He already finished eating.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I shook my head and swallowed the food I chewed. 

"I'll go straight home so you should do the same. You might get late." I finally finished eating and Haruto grabbed the plates.

"Then you can take a bath first while I do the dishes." I nodded at him then made my way to the laundry room to look at my clothes that I washed yesterday. It's already dry so I took it and went to Doyoung's room.

After taking a shower, I put on my clothes and stood in front of the mirror. Suddenly,  something in the mirror caught my eye.

"This is..." It seems familiar... Isn't this the mask that I wore for a party two years ago?


"Then I'll go ahead, Haruto!" He waved goodbye at me as I went inside the car my mom sent me. I smiled at Haruto who's still standing in front of Doyoung's house then looked at my phone when he's already out of my sight.

I looked at the picture of the mask that I saw from Doyoung's room. If I remember correctly, I got drunk at that party and... I got grounded the next day.

"Why does he have this though..." I whispered to myself. 

I decided to ask Yedam for Doyoung's phone number and when I received it, I typed it on the dial pad but... it's here... on my phone? I received a call from this number last night?

I was so confused but I still dialed his number. 

"Yuri? Why did you call?" I furrowed my eyebrows when he knew exactly that I'm the one calling.

"You have my number? You're the one who called last night?" I only heard silence on the other side.

"Uh... well yes! I wanted to ask you about something yesterday but my friend suddenly called for me so I ended the call." 

"Eh... really? Well anyways, I wanted to meet up with you later. Do you have time?"

"Well, yeah I do. Why do you want to meet up?" I was about to tell him the reason but the car stopped. Turns out that I'm already in front of our house.

"Just wanted to ask some question. Well, I'll just text you the details. See you!" I ended the call as I saw my mom by the door.

I went out of the car and walked towards her. I was really scared but I tried my best not to show it.

"So you stayed at Doyoung's house?" She was smiling and it made me nervous. I obviously can't tell her that Haruto was the one with me and that the owner of the house left.

"We-well yeah..." She suddenly patted my shoulder and proceeded to go inside the house. My phone suddenly vibrated and I saw a message from Haruto asking me to have dinner with him. I then sent him a text message saying that I wouldn't be able to go. 

I need to know the truth.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now