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Yuri's POV

"Well, we have a meeting to attend so we'll go ahead now." Haruto's dad smiled at me while his mom gave me a tight hug as she patted my back. We said our goodbyes and walked them to the front door.

We're now in Japan and the house we are staying in is quite far from the city. Haruto's parents wanted us to be safe so we ended up here.

"Well, are you hungry? Should I cook for you?" Haruto excitedly asked me and I can almost see stars in his eyes. I nodded, not wanting to disappoint the man who almost looked like a kid because of extreme excitement.

"Is there somewhere you want to go?" Haruto asked as he pulled a chair for me to sit on. I watched him as he prepared some vegetables and meat for cooking.

I can't believe he knows how to cook now.

"I only went here in Japan when I have business meetings and visit famous attractions so maybe... somewhere the locals appreciate? Somewhere peaceful?" My lips curved into a smile as Haruto started to suggest places.

"Oh, I think we should just have a picnic at the Mizumoto Park!" He suggested and it sounded fun so I immediately nodded.

"Then we'll leave at 6 AM. We should sleep early today." Suddenly, Haruto brought out more meat which made me stand up and walk beside him.

"Why is there so much meat? What're you gonna make?" 

"Ah, don't mind that. Just sit back and relax. You've always cooked for me back then so let me do this for you." 

Haruto's warm-looking smile made me feel strangely warm too. I sat back on my chair again and looked at his back as he cooked. 

I then remembered Doyoung out of nowhere but my mother's words also flashed on my mind. Did I just really love Doyoung because we had Dohyun? As I thought deeper into it, a memory popped into my mind.

"Yuri, do you want to go somewhere? Just tell me, I'll bring you anywhere." I glared at Doyoung and told him 'nowhere' which made him smile bitterly. He suddenly knelt in front of me, meeting my eye level.

"I know you miss him but... can you at least give me a chance? He doesn't love you anymore, Yuri. He cheated on you! He didn't show u-"

"I already know that he cheated so stop repeating it over and over again!He stood up and walked away from me then I felt a pang on my chest which made me confused. Am I feeling pity over him?

"I'm just... gonna buy some snacks. At least tell me if there's something you want to eat." His back looked strangely sad and I unconsciously bit my lower lip because of guilt.

"Chocolates..." He looked back at me with a small smile on his face. He excitedly nodded like a child and ran out the door.

Maybe I should really... give him a chance.

It's not just because of Dohyun. It's because of the setup. I gave him a chance thinking that Haruto really doesn't love me anymore. I'm also a fool for giving him a chance but Doyoung really has... done too much.

"I'm done!!!" I snapped back to reality when Haruto placed food on the table. He gave me a bowl filled with rice and there's a grilled eel on top.

"Mashiho taught me that recipe so I'm sure it'll be delicious!" He is just staring at me, waiting for me to take a bite which made me chuckle.

"Why do you look so excited?" He pouted at me, saying that he's been studying to cook these past few years so he can serve me an edible meal. 

He studied cooking for me? 

"What... made you think that you'll... end up cooking a meal for me? I mean... I'm already married with Doyoung and all." Haruto smiled and laid his back flatly on his chair.

"It didn't matter." My eyebrows furrowed as I failed to understand what his short answer meant.

"Whether I cooked a meal for you on the day we'll get a proper closure or the day I'll have you back on my arms. I just... wanted to make you happy with a meal too."

"Make me happy... with a meal?"

"Have you already forgotten? We got closer because of the omelet rice you cooked for me. I was sincerely happy because of that."

A smile crept on my lips as I remembered that day. It's been so long since that day but I can still feel all of the feelings I had when I watched him eat that day. Suddenly, Haruto held my left hand and caressed it which made me look at him.

"My feelings for you have never changed, Yuri. Up until now, my heart is still waiting for you." My tears started to fall as I thought about how things could've been if nothing pulled us apart.

"I'm... my... My heart longed for you too, Haruto."


I guess I'm back? I'll start updating frequently again! ^_^

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now