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Haruto's POV

The room was dead silent until a creaking of bed sounded, making me glance at Yuri. I immediately went beside her bed and helped her sit down, as she held her head. I guess she's feeling a little dizzy.

"How are you feeling?" As I adjusted her blanket, she glanced at me and muttered, 'Fine.' Yuri stared at the wall in front of her, tears welling up in her eyes. I pulled a chair closer and sat on it, knowing that there's nothing I can do but stay beside her.

"Did Doyoung... leave?" She inquired, her gaze still fixed on the wall. I told her that he had to leave because something came up. I suppose I should just inform her about Doyoung's infidelity a bit later.

"He's telling the truth earlier... he didn't have a part in my miscarriage. I can tell." She looked at me and smiled bitterly.

"But I'm still thinking, why did he lie? Also, what if he didn't leave? Would my baby survive?" Tears just kept coming out of her eyes and I didn't notice that I was already crying too.

I sat on the small space beside her bed and buried her face on my chest. Her muffled sobs filled the entire room as I patted the back of her head, whispering 'Everything will be alright' repeatedly.

I myself, can't explain how I feel. I want to shout and cry out loud but I can't because if I do, then Yuri won't have someone to cry on. 

I just knew about our child hours ago but now... my baby's gone. I-It's painful but I... need to hide this feeling for a while.

I should be strong for her. 

A knock on the door made Yuri pull out of the hug then she wiped her tears. I walked towards the door and Yoshinori, Mashiho, and Asahi immediately went inside.

"Goodness! We thought the media already left!" Mashiho exclaimed as he locked the door. I asked them if someone saw them walk into this room but he told me that the managers managed to block the media so no one saw them.

"Yuri, how are you feeling?" Yoshinori asked her and Yuri smiled at him saying 'a little bit better'.

"Articles are already spread and there've been different stories." Asahi uttered as he sat on the sofa.

"Doyoung is at the dorm and he's talking with Hyunsuk hyung. Seems like someone is threatening the two of them saying that they know a secret that can ruin them."

A secret that can ruin the two of them? Could it be about what they did to me two years ago?

"So what's your plan? Would you like to go home with us? Pretty sure our comeback won't happen soon." Asahi asked me and I glanced at Yuri. I walked towards her and held her hands while looking straight at her eyes.

"You should come with me. It'll be hard to live here in Korea because I'm sure that reporters will hunt you down."

"What about Doyoung?" I felt a pang on my chest as she asked that question. Her concern for him is still strong. She really does love him, huh?

"She's still clueless about what Doyoung did?" Mashiho exclaimed, making me glare at him. I looked back at Yuri who's eyes is now full of confusion.

"Mashiho, what am I clueless about? What did he do? Did he do something?" 

"Yuri, you should just continue to res-"

"Mashiho!" Her loud voice made me flinch, and she was looking only at Mashiho who's hesitant to say the truth.

"Doyoung cheated on you." Asahi uttered and I watched Yuri as her eyes widened from shock. 

"Not just once, Yuri. Mira revealed their pictures, lying together in one bed and... the pictures show that they've done it more than once." Yoshinori continued and I looked at Yuri who's now looking down, face hidden because of her hair.

"I'm coming with you, Haruto." She looked up and I was surprised to see that she's not crying. Her face is just blank, but her eyes are too difficult to read. As if she, herself doesn't even know what she's feeling.

"I'll go with you to Japan." 

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now