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Yuri's POV

"Doyoung! I think there's someone waiting for you outside!" I shouted to him, walking towards the door because the doorbell sounded. When I finally opened the door, Yedam popped in front of me.

"Yedam? Why are you here?" He showed me a smile then asked if he can come in. Doyoung suddenly pulled him inside, leaving me by the door.

"Oh! He's going to borrow my camera!" Doyoung shouted as I closed the door of his house. I walked towards them trying not to lose my balance because my ankle hurts.

"What happened to you?" Yedam asked as he hurriedly went by my side, supporting me. 

Yedam is still... a dependable man. Truly someone easy to fall in love with.

"Nothing serious. Anyways, It's been a long time since I last saw you." He helped me sit down on the couch then Doyoung placed some snacks on the coffee table. He also gave Yedam a camera bag.

I met Yedam three months ago in Japan and we already had a closure. Turns out Rina helped him when he's having a hard time being a trainee and since Rina is also a trainee, they understood each other.

He eventually ended up falling in love with Rina but he's scared to hurt me so he didn't break up with me.

"I haven't been able to ask you for a hangout together because we've been quite busy preparing for our debut."

"It's alright, I already know that all of you have been doing a lot of things lately. Haruto's always sleepy too when we're calling each other." I told Yedam as I remembered Haruto falling asleep on our video calls.

"But wait, when did you and Doyoung get so close?" Yedam asked which made me look at Doyoung who's smiling at me. He suddenly placed his arm over my shoulder then pulled me closer to him.

"Just earlier when I bumped into her." Yedam furrowed his eyebrows and I just sighed, pushing Doyoung away from me.

"Well anyway, I need to go now. My mom and dad is waiting for me." Yedam told us as he stood up. Doyoung went with him outside and after a few minutes, he went inside, already alone.

"What about you? Aren't you gonna go home?" I shook my head. I don't want to see my mom today.

"Where is the nearest hotel here?" Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Hotel? Why a hotel?" Not wanting to explain everything, I just told him that I got into a fight with my mom.

"Do you want to stay here? I'm having a sleepover at my friend's house so you'll be alone here." 

"I don't have any clothes. I'll just stay in a hotel and buy some clothes on the way." 

"I have a lot of clothes and I'm sure some will fit you just fine. I'll bring this cute little puppy too so you can walk freely around the house."

Doyoung walked away, not letting me disagree. He gave me a white shirt and pajama then I instantly realized that I don't have any extra underwear. 

"As you already know, I'm a boy so I won't be having any underwear for girls but you'll be fine since I'm going to leave right now." He walked towards a door and knocked on it.

"You can sleep here in my room. Also, you can eat any food you can see here." Doyoung told me as he walked and picked up a bag on a couch.

"Wa-wait Doyoung!" He looked back just when he's about to open the door.

"Tha-thank you." He just smiled at me and proceeded to go out, leaving me inside his own house.

I looked around, overwhelmed by the silence. I stood up and walked inside his room, fascinated as to how clean it is. I looked around and saw a picture of Treasure. 

After 30 minutes, I finished taking a bath and wear the clothes he gave me. Good thing that the cloth of his shirt and pajama is thick so I don't feel that exposed.

Suddenly, the doorbell sounded and I thought that Doyoung might've left something. I grabbed the blanket on his bed and wrapped it around me as I feel really shy.

The doorbell sounded repeatedly and I'm getting uneasy but I just opened it. My eyes widened when I was pulled into a hug and I felt the blanket fall on my feet.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now