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Yuri's POV

We just arrived at the concert hall and I'm already excited if it weren't for Yedam. He looks so sullen and I can't help but stare at him while pouting.

"Yedam, is there something wrong?" I finally spoke up when he opened his phone for the nth time.

"No, everything's alright. Yuri, I'll just go to the toilet for a while." I just nodded at him and he left hurriedly.

I was feeling cold so I wore Yedam's hoodie and placed my hands in the pocket. I was just appreciating the crowd's cheers while waiting for the concert to start when I felt a hand grab mine making me stand up from my seat.

"Hyung! It's an emergency! The manager wants us to go and practice for our monthly evalu- Yuri?!" My eyebrows furrowed at Haruto's shocked expression. He hurriedly let go of my hand and I suddenly heard a sound like a metal falling.

A metal?! My ring!!!

I immediately looked at my hands and back at Haruto. He was looking at me weirdly. I immediately knelt down the floor to search for my ring.

"Did you lose something? I can help you find it. What is it?" He asked me in a nervous tone. I unconsciously ignored him because I was so panicked.

"Just tell me so I'll help you!" He suddenly shouted and I glared at him. I felt like I'm about to cry. What if I will never find it?!

This is all his fault!

"It wouldn't even get lost if you didn't make a mistake!"

"That's why I'm offering to help you! What did you lose!"

"My ring! The ring I got from my grandmother!"

The moment I told him that statement, my tears started to fall. He looked so shocked about seeing me cry.

He suddenly hugged me and patted the back of my head.

"Fine, don't cry. I'm sorry for shouting. Don't worry, I'll help you search for it, alright?" I was just feeling so weak that's why I didn't even have any reaction besides feeling surprised.

He pulled out of the hug and we started to search for it together.

"Uhhh... excuse me but... Is this what you're searching for?" A girl suddenly approached us while showing my ring.

"It is! Thank you very much!" I repeatedly told thank you to the girl because this is so important for me.

"Sorry for shouting to you too. I was just scared to lose this."

"It's alright. It won't get lost if it weren't for me."

I suddenly remembered what he told me earlier. I think it's something about manager and monthly evaluation...

My mind went crazy as I felt my heart beat faster. Monthly evaluations... my ex boyfriend always did that...

And now he's an idol that's why we broke up.

"What did you say earlier? About the manager and monthly evaluation?" I asked him trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Wh-what? I... was just..."


My gaze shifted at Yedam who's currently walking towards us. He stood behind Haruto and looked at me.

"Did something happen? Wait Yuri... did you cry?!" He immediately approached me and held my face with both of his hands.

I removed his hands and looked at Haruto.

"Yedam, he accidentally told me something. He told me you need to go back to the company and practice for your monthly evaluation."

"Yuri that's not what I sai-"

"Shut up." I told Haruto while trying to stop my tears that's about to fall because of nervousness.

It's not what he said but this will determine the truth.

I looked at Yedam and his face looked so shocked.

I was praying for him to act normal and tell me he got no idea what I'm talking about but...

Why is he now saying sorry?

"Yuri I was planning to tell you soon bu-"


I pushed him away from me just when he's about to hold my hands. I felt my tears streaming down my face.

Yedam suddenly hugged me so tight but I pushed him away from me. I immediately ran out of the concert hall not looking back at Yedam who's calling for me.

I called for a taxi and immediately went inside. When I got in, I immediately locked it so when Yedam catched up with me, he can only bang on the windows.

"Please just drive." The driver started to drive and I ignored Yedam who's trying to catch up.

I noticed at the rearview mirror that Haruto trying to stop him. My heart feels like it's being torn apart when Yedam fell on the ground.

Why do I always end up losing someone when I'm already deeply in love with them?

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now