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Yuri's POV

"Here... you should eat." Doyoung placed some rice on my plate and also my favorite food, curry. He's just looking down at his plate as I picked up the spoon to start eating.

"That baby... is not mine, right?" Doyoung asked just when I was about to eat a spoonful of rice with curry. 

Silence filled up the entire dining room as I hesitated to answer his question. I found myself fidgeting my hands as I tried to stop my tears. As I looked at Doyoung, I noticed a tear fall on his plate.

"Doyoung I... I'm sorry..." I walked over to his side and knelt down on the floor beside him. He's still not looking at me but now, I can clearly see that he's crying.

"I... We were both drunk and I... I'm really sorry..." The tears that I'm trying to stop eventually streamed down my face. I wrapped my hand around his waist and repeatedly apologized.  

"It-It's fine." Doyoung mumbled and he suddenly held my face with both of his hands, making me look at his face. He's smiling but I can clearly see an entirely different emotion in his eyes.


"I... will be the father of your child." I looked at Doyoung as he placed his hand on my stomach, caressing it.

He hugged me tightly and despite the happiness, I'm feeling, there's still something that's making me uneasy. 

"In one condition, Yuri." He pulled out of the hug and wiped the tears on my face with his fingers. 

"Anything, Doyoung. I'll do anything." I am scared for what he's going to ask but if it will make him accept this baby in my stomach then I will do anything.

"Go back to Australia." 

"Australia?" My hands unconsciously traveled on top of my stomach when I heard Doyoung's condition. He's... distancing me away from Haruto.

"If that's what you want then... I will." Doyoung smiled at me as he tucked my stray hair behind my ears. 

After a few minutes, Doyoung told me that I should eat and I nodded but just when I was about to go back to my seat. He held my hands and slid a ring on my ring finger. 

"Go on." Doyoung whispered and I gave him a smile before walking back to my seat.

"I need to go. We're preparing for a comeback so I need to stay at the company till morning. Don't wait for me and just take a good rest, alright?" Doyoung left and I didn't even get to say goodbye to him because he walked so fast.

I hope Doyoung... really accepted it.

Haruto's POV

My eyes widened when I saw Doyoung went out of the house. I hid behind the bushes and waited for his car to pass by. 

When I'm finally sure that he's already far away. I ran towards their house and luckily there are no guards today. I peeked at the window and saw Yuri eating alone. 

My lips curved into a smile, thinking that she's eating for two people. My child and herself.

Yuri's POV

I looked at the empty seat in front of me and the table full of food. Just when I was about to shove a spoon on my mouth, my head started to ache so bad and my vision is starting to get blurry.

As I looked around to search for my phone, I heard someone screaming by the door. A blurry figure kept on banging on the glass door but I'm too weak to walk towards it.

My knees gave up, making me fall on the floor and at the same time, I heard the sound of glass shattering. 

Something then caught my eye. There is blood on the floor. I tried my best to open my eyes and saw blood on my legs.

"YURI!" The same blurry figure picked me up and immediately took me out of the house. I felt something drop on my cheeks and then when I opened my eyes again, I realized that it's Haruto.

"Don't worry Yuri. I will bring you to the hospital so just hang in there!" Haruto uttered as he laid me down on the backseat of his car.

"Haruto... my child..." I cried as he started to drive. He kept on telling me that it's going to be alright and that I will not lose our child.

Dohyun... please don't take your sibling yet...

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now