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Yuri's POV

"That was a good one!" I exclaimed as soon as we got out of the movie theatre. I glanced at Haruto and it seemed like he's wiping some tears.

I tried to stop my laughter as I reached out my handkerchief to him. He didn't even accept it so I just wiped his tears myself.

"Why do you look handsome even if you're crying?" I froze when I realized that... I SAID IT OUT LOUD!

"I... I mean the guy on the movie! He looked handsome when he cried!" He just chuckled and took my handkerchief saying he would just give it back to me tomorrow.

"Its alright. I do know that I look handsome when I'm crying." My eyebrows furrowed at him but he chuckled, pinching my right cheek.

"Are you hungry? I'll treat y-"

"Haruto?!" Our attention shifted at two guys wearing masks. I looked at Haruto and he looks shocked and scared. I wonder who these guys are...

"Hyu-hyung... It's not like that!" They pulled Haruto away and I was so confused so I ended up alone. Anyways, he might come back again.

My stomach growled which made me sigh. I'm hungry... I guess I should just buy some food.

"Yuri...?" I froze in my spot when I heard that voice. I turned around and saw him, looking like a mess.

He suddenly pulled me into a hug and started to cry. It didn't even take me a while to start crying. He's here... I missed him so much.

He pulled out of the hug and wiped my tears using his thumbs then he started to caress my face.

"I'm really sorry... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I'm a trainee... I was planning to tell you but when you told me about your ex... I got scared that I'll lose you..."

"Yedam I..."

"Please don't break up with me... Trust me about this... please..."

He was even about to kneel but I stopped him. I love Yedam but... I'm scared. What if my mom intervened with his career?!

"Yedam I'm... I'm sorr-"

I was cut off by a sudden pull on my hands. I looked at the one holding my hands only to see Haruto.

"Haruto? You were with Yuri?" Haruto didn't answer him and just looked up as if he don't know what to do.

Haruto's POV

Shit. Why did I pull her? What am I doing?!

"Hyung, She's... She's still tired. Ma-maybe you should wait for a few more days before talking to her." I shouldn't be doing this. 

Why am I intervening with their talk?!

"What do you mean Haruto? Didn't you tell me that you'll help me talk with Yuri? You didn't bring her here so I can talk to her?" My heart started to beat faster, not knowing what to say. 

"The engagement that I'm talking about... Haruto is... He's going to be my fiancé." My eyes widened at Yuri's statement.

"So please, stop trying to bring us back together because... we are already done." Yedam hyung's tears fell down continuously. 

"That's... that's just what your mother wants right?!" Yuri flinched as Yedam hyung raised his voice. People started to look at us which made Jihoon and Junkyu hyung hold Yedam hyung.

"For once decide for yourself! I know that you don't like that marriage!"

"She's way too powerful! She's... way too powerful for us..." Yuri walked towards Yedam hyung and wiped his tears.

"I wouldn't be able to take it if I see you cry because your dream is shattered." She hugged him and Yedam hyung did the same thing.

"No... I... I'll find a way to save this." Yedam hyung pulled out of the hug and walked away from us. Jihoon and Junkyu hyung told me that they'll go after him and I should bring Yuri home.

"Yuri, let's go I'll bring you ho-" I felt something bump on my body and when I came to know that its Yuri, I immediately caught her. 

I realized that she fainted and her breathing is ragged. I checked her temperature with my hand and she definitely have a fever.

I ran out of the movie theatre and hailed a cab so I can bring her home faster and when we arrived at their house, a man ran towards us. It's her father.

"Yuri?! What happened to her?!" He grabbed Yuri and brought her inside the house and I just followed them.

"So... sorry..." Yuri began to talk as Mr. Park laid her on her bed. Tears fell from Yuri's eyes. 

"Yedam I'm sorry..." I felt a pang on my chest as she uttered those words.

"Why are you crying, Haruto?" Her dad asked me as she placed a blanket over Yuri.

I touched my cheeks and he's right. I'm crying.

"I... don't know Mr. Park..."

"I guess you like her too, huh?" Too? Does he know about Yedam?

"I knew about Yedam. He's a good man and I like him. Unlike his mother, I'm not really strict when it comes to Yuri having boyfriends." He wiped the tears on Yuri's face.

"I just want the best for Yuri. I want a man that will take good care of her and make her happy, like Yedam." He stood up and patted my shoulders.

"If you think you can do a better job than Yedam, then prove it. If not, then just give up. I'm willing to go against your marriage with Yuri and help Yedam marry her." He was about to go out but I walked towards the door to stop him.

"Mr, Park I... I'll... make her fall in love with me." 

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now