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Haruto's POV

"Okay, I'll leave now so you can either continue practicing or go home early." Our dance trainer announced before he went out of the room. I then excitedly opened my phone because I saw that Yuri sent me a text message earlier.


Is there anything more that you would like me to cook for dinner? Also, what time will you probably arrive home?


How about tempura? About 9:00 PM, I guess?


Sure. I already know how to cook that. How's practice?


Fun. Maybe it's because I ate a proper breakfast?


I guess so. You'll continue to enjoy food like that. Just make sure to ready my salary for being your personal chef.

I chuckled after reading her text message. Not noticing that all of the other trainees are looking at me. 

"Hmmm... what is that chuckle all about?" Jihoon asked while squinting his eyes at me. I just let out a nervous chuckle as I placed my phone back in my pocket.

"It's Yuri, right?" Yedam approached me and took my phone out of his pocket with his very own hands.

"Hyung, please stop." I grabbed my phone back and placed it in my pocket again. He just looked straight into my eyes and I can see that he's mad.

"You shouldn't have told me that you'll help me fix my relationship with Yuri if you'll eventually steal her." He whispered right into my ears which made me sigh.

"I didn't take her against her will. She went with me according to her will." I retorted because his choice of words is wrong.

"Whatever you say. She will definitely come back to me again." Nervousness filled me up because he looked so confident.

"Enjoy her company, for now, Haruto." He smirked before making his way out of the room, leaving me anxious. 

The other members looked confused and they eventually followed Yedam, leaving me, Asahi, Mashiho, and Yoshinori here in the room. Junkyu is also here but it seems like he's sleeping.

"What's going on?" Mashiho asked and I just sat on the floor. 

"Yedam's girlfriend is living in my house." They all looked at me, surprise showing on their faces.

"But how?" Yoshinori asked me and I just sighed, not really in the mood to tell them the whole story.

"It's a long story." 

"Then we can sleep at your house tonight. We'll have a lot of time then." Asahi uttered and they all nodded.

"Then should we go home early and buy food?" Mashiho asked but knowing that Yuri will cook, I shook my head.

"Yuri will cook dinner so let's just help her." 

Yedam's POV

"Where are they?" Jihoon spoke as soon as he opened the door to the practice room. I peeked inside and all the Japanese trainees are gone. Just Junkyu sleeping on the floor.

"Junkyu, where are Mashiho and the others?" Jihoon asked Junkyu, slapping his butt to wake him up. Junkyu groaned as he stretched his whole body, still lying on the floor.

"Them? Hmmm... Before I fell asleep they talked about having a sleepover at Haruto's house..." Hearing Junkyu's statement made me close my hands tightly. 

"Let's go. We're joining them."

Yuri's POV

As I cut the vegetables I heard the door opening and when I peeked, I saw Haruto and other unfamiliar faces. Visitors?! They all looked at me but they're not shocked.

I'm the only one with a mouth hanging open. 

"You should've told me that you'll bring friends!" I exclaimed, wiping the sweat on my face.

"This is my house..." 

"Still! I could've started cooking earlier so your friends can won't have to wait!" I pouted and he suddenly smiled which made me look away.

"I'm still cooking... I didn't know that you're going home early. It's only 7:00 PM..." I mumbled why looking at my watch.

"It's alright! I would love to help you cook!" A guy, who's the smallest among them walked towards the kitchen.

"Mashiho is a great cook." Haruto told me before sitting on the couch with another guy.

"I can also help! I'll cut the vegetables. My name is Yoshinori by the way." Yoshi followed me as I went to the kitchen.

After 30 minutes, I can hear Haruto laughing and I saw that they're watching an anime. I think that's One Piece. 

"Yuri, where's the oil? I'll fry the tem-" A doorbell interrupted Mashiho's words and when I looked at Haruto, it seemed like he's also not expecting guests.

"I'll open the door." I walked fast towards the door and I heard multiple voices. I looked through the peephole and I froze, seeing him.



Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday. I was writing this chapter but I received a mail from the school I was trying to enter for college so I had to do some paperworks.

That's all and I'll try to update again later.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now