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Haruto's POV

"Haruto." I looked at Doyoung who's eyes are as sharp as ever. I smirked, knowing that he's probably going to tell me off for what I did yesterday.

He grabbed my collar and pushed me towards the wall. When my back laid flatly on the wall, he landed a punch on my stomach.

"Stay away from my family." He sternly uttered but what I noticed is his eyes. His eyes are showing the entire opposite of his actions.

I can see in his eyes that he's scared.

"Am I really that big of a threat to you?" I sneered at him, making him punch me in the stomach again. I pushed him away from me and fixed my collar that is now wrinkled because of Doyoung.

"Why? Are you afraid that she'll fall in love with me again?" Doyoung smirked, turned around, and walked away from me.

"Not when I have Dohyun." He uttered before walking out of the room. Something's... wrong. How can he talk like that?

How can he refer to Dohyun as if he's just a thing?

Yuri's POV

"Dohyun baby, come to mommy." Dohyun giggled as he approached me with open arms. I picked him up with a big smile on my face.

"You're so cute!" I pinched his cheeks and started to play with him but after awhile, I noticed that he's starting to look tired.

Suddenly, something started to flow out of his nose. My heart started to beat faster when I realized that its blood.

"What's wrong?! Dohyun!" I started to panic so I checked his temperature with my hands and felt the hotness of his forehead.

I grabbed my bag and immediately went out of the house only to remember that it's our driver's day off. As I looked for my phone inside my bag, I patted Dohyun repeatedly because he suddenly started to cry.

"Why aren't you answering, Doyoung!" I exclaimed as I tried to call him again for the 3rd time. I'm now inside the car filled with Dohyun's cries.

Thinking that Doyoung might be filming something, I started the car and drove towards the hospital. Our house is a bit far from the city because Doyoung said that it's safer that way.

As I drove towards the hospital, Dohyun started to breathe heavily and because of the immense amount of nervousness that I'm feeling, I sped up the car.

"Dohyun, just a minute okay? Mommy will drive faster so just hold on, okay?" My tears are already streaming down my cheeks as I can clearly see that he's having a hard time. I was frequently looking at him.

"Shit what's happening! Don't worry baby, we'll arrive so- SHIT!" A truck right in front of us screeched to a halt and as I also stepped on the brakes.

My heart started to beat faster because the car didn't stop. I turned the steering wheel to prevent my car from crashing into the truck but it was already too late.

Just Dohyun... It'll be alright if I die here but not him.

Haruto's POV

"Cut! That's it for today!" We bowed at the director and walked out of the set. I sat in my chair and closed my eyes because, for some unknown reason, I've been really nervous.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Startled, I looked at Doyoung who's eyes are so wide, and tears suddenly started to fall from his eyes. He then ran out of the room so I walked towards Yedam who's currently talking to our manager.

"Yuri and Dohyun got into an accident?!" I stopped in my tracks as Yedam shouted. My heart started to beat faster as the manager continued to speak.

"Both of them have a low chance of survival especially, Yuri." I ran towards my manager and held both of his arms.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" My manager answered me immediately so I also went out of the building and hailed a taxi. 

After just a few minutes, I already arrived at the hospital and saw Doyoung running. I followed him and we arrived in front of the operating room. I also saw Yuri's mother and Doyoung's parents waiting outside.

"WHAT HAPPENED!? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO THEM?!" Doyoung shouted and his parents tried to calm him down. Suddenly, our eyes met and he walked towards me.

He grabbed me by my collar and landed a punch on my face. I can see the continuous fall of tears from his eyes as to why I didn't try to fight back. His parents managed to stop him but he's still throwing punches into the air.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?! GO AWAY! STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!" Doyoung shouted and I can only stand because I didn't want to leave.

"Please just leave. Doyoung is emotionally unstable right now." Doyoung's mom told me while his dad is stopping Doyoung from running towards me.

I slowly walked away from the operating room and hid behind a wall. I leaned my back on the wall and messed my own hair out of frustration.

Anything... I'm willing to do anything... just to make sure that both of them will live.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now