Having troubles sleeping

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{Request} The original request talked about a sleeping disorder, but as I have no personal experience with sleeping disorders, I will not even attempt to write about it and instead focus on general troubles with sleeping which I suffer from quite often due to my migranes.

Warning: Though inspired by what I do when I can't sleep and have no assignments to work on during the night, none of the activities/methods described in the chapter are guaranteed to be helpful and can even be harmful if done for longer periods of time and/or over the course of several nights. If you experience regular problems with sleep, contact a professional. Stay safe, ARMYs!

Upon discovering that you keep tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, Jimin would sing you lullabies. Rolling closer to you to offer you physical comfort, he would get up on his elbow and hum calming melodies while stroking your cheeks, gently, with affection. He would hope that when you cuddle close to him, you'd slowly fall asleep. If that didn't help, he would try to have a conversation about what's going on. No matter what you reply would be, however, he would simply cuddle you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you finally drift off.

Namjoon would opt for a similar method, though he would go for telling you stories in a hushed voice instead of songs. He would quietly ask you what is going on, but wouldn't push you to answer. Lying on his back with you snuggling close to him, he would babble on long into the night, hoping to bore you with monotonous recounting of whatever has happened to him that day until you fall asleep.

Yoongi would prefer to stay silent and instead opt for physical contact to soothe you to sleep. Pulling you close to him and letting you listen to his heartbeat, he woud run his hands through your heart or brush his fingers against your skin to offer you his nonverbal support and comfort. If you wanted to tell him what was weighing your consciousness, he would listen, but he wouldn't initiate the conversation on his own.

Seokjin's initial response would be talking. Rolling over to face you, he would gently brush your arms while trying to find the reason for your inability to peacefully fall asleep. He would then engage you into a light-hearted conversation, cracking lame jokes and talking to you until you eventually get worn out, cuddle close to him and doze off.

After listening to (or at least attempting to ask you about) the troubles keeping you up that night,Taehyung would drag you out of bed and sit you in front of the TV, putting on a film that usually puts you to sleep. Sitting down next to you, he would pull you close and lead a hushed commentary on the events in the film in an attempt to let you fall asleep. Once you did, he would turn it off and carefully carry you back to bed, snuggling up to you under the sheets.

Hoseok would do his best to put your mind off whatever's troubling you that night by putting on a shadow play with his hands against the light of his phone's flashlight. His stories with questioanble silhouettes of dogs and crocodiles would quickly turn into a mess, though it would keep you properly entertained until sleep got the better of you and pulled you to the land of dreams. Satisfied with his work, Hoseok would turn off the light and cuddle close to you, making  a mental note to think of a good way of cheering you up the next day.

Jungkook would opt for classic counting of sheep. Though it might appear ridiculous to you at first, Jungkook would make you count the small bumps on the wall or imaginary sheep in your head until you bore yourself to sleep. Once your breathing evens and calms down, he would cuddle you close, snuggling up to you, reminding himself to talk to you properly about what's troubling you the next morning.

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