Do you want to build a snowman, Seokjin?

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{Request} You go out on a snowy day and build a snowman with them. Part 3/7


"Jagiya, wake up

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"Jagiya, wake up." You hear a soft, soothing voice right next to your ear. You whine and open your eyes to find yourself staring right in your boyfriend's face. He gives you a warm smile and takes the book you've been holding from your hands. He caresses your hair and kisses your forehead.

"I can see sleeping comes naturally to you," he says."You can do it with your eyes closed."

You smack his arm and yawn. "I didn't even realize I fell asleep."

"You slept for three hours actually," he adds.

You straighten your stiff back and grimace. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he waves his hand. "At least I see you aren't tired of sleeping." He gives you a sheepish smile. "I made jajangmyun for lunch, are you in?"

"Of course," you nod and get up, following him into the kitchen. He raises the pot filled with the deliciously smelling meal and opens it in front of your face. You raise an eyebrow in a silent question.

"Get in!" he explains. "You said you were in!"

"Please, stop with the jokes for a while," you beg, a little smile creeping on your face.

He laughs a little and divides the meal onto two plates. You both settle at the table, enjoying Seokjin's amazing cooking skills and each other's company. He finishes his serving first and while you're still eating, he looks out of the window and gives you an amused smile.

"What?" you ask, quickly wiping your face in case there was some sauce on your cheeks.

He laughs and touches your face. "How about we go out? I need to buy a new scarf. And we could get some cake."

"Sure, why not?" you smile at him and finish your plate.

You make your way into your room to change. When you get out, your boyfriend is standing in front of the door, fully dressed up, holding your jacket. You put it on, take his hand and go out of the apartment.

The streets are covered in snow, hidden under thousands of people's feet making their way through the city. You walk in a slow pace, enjoying the beautiful scenery winter offers. Although the street is full of people, the cold air around you makes the usual loud noise of a living city quieter. It's a bit chilly but very nice outside.

Seokjin dives into the first clothes store to search for his scarf. You follow him and help him look through all the aisles and lead long discussions whether the colour suits him or not. It takes you almost an hour before Seokjin finally decides to buy both blue and pink ones.

When you finally pay for them and get outside, it's snowing again. He wraps the pink scarf around his neck and the blue one around yours without a hesitation, takes your hand and smiles at you. "What about a hot cocoa and a cake?"

You shake your head in agreement and you and your boyfriend start walking down the road to a coffee shop. When you reach it, you're both cold and covered in snow. Seokjin sends you to pick a seat while he stands in the row to place your order.

As you're waiting for his return, you look outside across the street at a group of children playing in the snow. Where were the times when you were able to spend hours in the snow without getting tired of it?

"Here's your cocoa and cake, jagi," Seokjin exclaims as he takes a seat across the table. When you don't respond, he follows your gaze. "Do you want to build a snowman afterwards?"

You look at him with excitement heating up your eyes. "Really? You would want to?"

"Of course," he smiles. "Let's have fun today, okay?"

"Okay," you nod as you take your cup and take a sip of the hot drink. You spend another hour at the table, talking about everything and nothing, before Seokjin takes the dishes and returns them. "Shall we go outside?"

You agree with a smile and follow him. He walks down to a park nearby where he takes a handful of snow and throws it at you with his windshield laugh. You yelp as the snowball hits you and return his attack. You run around like crazy for a while before Seokjin settles up at a empty space and yells: "This is a good spot, let's start building it!"

You divide the work and start rolling snowballs of three different sizes. When you have them all done, Seokjin puts them on top of one another until it starts looking like a snowman. You add his hands while your boyfriend collects stones to make his face.

When you're both satisfied with your creation, Seokjin falls into deep thoughts. You poke his arm questioningly and raise an eyebrow. "What's up?"

"It needs a name," Seokjin decides, "but I feel like Jin doesn't suit him."

"How about we call him Bab?"


"Yeah. It looks like balls of rice and it makes me feel hungry."

Seokjin laughs. "You really are my jagi, aren't you? You're all about food, just like me."

"Well ㅡ" you start but you finish you sentence with a yelp when he grabs you around your waist and turns you to face him. He stares into your face with love and care in his eyes, admiring the amazing person in front of him.

"Um, Seokjin..." You take a breath to remind him that children are present but he shuts you off with his lips brushing against yours. You gasp in surprise and he uses your shock to kiss you deeply. You can feel his strong grip around your waist and you're grateful for that because now you're safe from falling as your legs become weak under the gentle touch of his silky hands.

He breaks your kiss to catch some breath but starts laughing once he sees your expression.

"What is it?" you pout sadly.

He pinches your cheek. "You look so beautiful when you're red like this."

You blush even harder and pull away from him. "Stop saying stuff like that. I'm cold. Of course I'm red."

He laughs and takes your hand. "Well then, let's go home. We can watch some movies and cuddle." He gives you a warm smile. "Maybe you'll stop being so red, baby."

You gasp and attempt to hit him but he dodges your attack and starts running away. "Come back here, Kim Seokjin!" You yell as you chase him. "I'll make you regret how cheesy you are!"

He laughs again and sends you a flying kiss. "I love you, jagi!"

When you finally catch up with him, he turns around and catches you into his embrace as he falls down in the snow with you. He leans closer and kisses you again. "We can also cuddle here, hm?"

You hit him lightly in the shoulder and get up. "Let's go home. The snow is getting up your brain."

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