A sasaeng stalking you

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{Request} A sasaeng starts stalking you and BTS find out. Let's consider this their first reaction, I am sure the next step would be to call their manager, police etc.

I think Seokjin wouldn't want to believe it at first. He loves his fans and thinks only the best about them, but now you are telling them what a fan of his is doing to you and he wouldn't want to believe it. Of course, he would trust you, but he would be very disappointed in his fans. He would take your hand, make sure you are okay and would talk to you, trying to make you feel better and safer with him. He would let you know though how sad he is about the whole matter. "I am sorry, jagi. But I promise we'll get through this together. I'll let manager hyung know and we'll work on what to do next. Just stay by my side until it's all done, okay?"

 Just stay by my side until it's all done, okay?"

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Jimin would be very disappointed. He knows fans are crazy, but finding out ARMYs have hurt you, he would get very sad. He would hug you tight, let you cry, scream or whatever you wished to before expressing his own feelings: "I am really sorry for what you are going through, jagi. I hoped you would never have to encounter this. But it happened and we won't let it slide. I'll make sure you are safe and happy. I'll do anything for it, alright?" He would then try to engage you in conversation about something different to make you feel better.

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Taehyung would listen to everything you have to say and would share his own opinion. He knows very well what some fans can be like and he would be very angry at the sasaengs giving you tough times: "You know how much I love my fans, don't you? But this time I am very unhappy about what they're doing. And I won't let them go away with this without being properly punished. I am glad you told me about this. Now we can work on making it better, right?" He would hug you and make sure you are alright before joking around a bit to lighten up the mood.

 Now we can work on making it better, right?" He would hug you and make sure you are alright before joking around a bit to lighten up the mood

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Namjoon would take it very seriously. He would listen to everything you say with a serious expression. He would be totally emotionless, letting you finish the story before he reacts. He would stay quiet for a long time, almost making you worry, before speaking up with a sad face: "I am so sorry, jagi, that you have to go through such horrible things because of me. Not all fans respect our privacy but I hoped they would leave you out of it. If you want to break up with me and have a normal life, I'll understand."


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Hoseok would be heartbroken. He would probably cry even before you finished your story. He would hug you tightly, caressing your cheeks and kissing your nose. "I love you, jagi, and I'm sorry." He would let you wipe away his tears before continuing: "I'll make sure you can live happily again, alright? We'll let manager hyung and police know and they'll take care of it. Just don't leave me, I'll make you feel safe again."


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Jungkook wouldn't be really sure what to tell you. He would listen to you, process what you said and would try to comfort you somehow. After failing miserably, he would take your hands into his and sigh deeply. "I am sorry, jagi, I am really sorry. I had no idea you were having such hard times because of me. You are always there for me when I need you. Now I'll be here for you. We'll let manager hyung know and together with him we'll think of what to do. I'll protect you till then, okay?"

 I'll protect you till then, okay?"

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Yoongi would be angry but wouldn't show it for you sake. He would feel like exploding while listening to your story but would keep himself back. He would hold your hands and encourage you to finish your story with soothing looks and smiles. He would then think for a long time, looking really sad before saying: "I... I am very sorry. I truly am. I know this is all my fault and I am sorry I couldn't protect you. I failed as a boyfriend. And you are so strong for withstanding all this. You are not alone with this anymore, alright? I'll help you. I'll make sure those kids get what they deserve for doing this to the person I love the most."


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