A/N: Who is akatengu?

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Name: something very similar to Katerina 
Birthday: between March and August, the year of Rabbit
Nationality: the same as my momma's
Height: short
Weight: hm, chubby enough
Physical health: low
Mental health: lower
Personality: mood swinging, joker, weird, clumsy, childish
Attitude: annoying, yet charming
Gesticulation: too much
Imagination: huge  
Favourite colour: red, blue and pink
Favourite animal: panda, ray, sea turtle, whale, axolotl
Favourite movie/TV show rn: Avatar series
Favourite song rn: Scentist by VIXX; K/DA POP/STARS

You step into a spacious room. After a more detailed inspection you come to the conclusion that you are in a greenhouse. Which is weird, the air is not as wet and stifling as it should be. You can see the glass roof which lets sunrays inside, giving the whole place a somehow magical atmosphere. You smell flowers and see that plants grow all around, almost creating a labyrinth. You curiously move forward, staring at the brightly coloured plants around you. The ground is covered in cool sand, letting your bare feet bury in its softness.

Something touches your leg and you look down to see a cat. Well, not a normal cat. It looks as if it's made of water, it's fluid and transparent body moving back and forth like some sort of liquid, yet it's as fluffy as a normal cat with fur. It looks at you, purrs and turns into steam. You feel confused. What is this place anyway?

Suddenly, you hear singing. Not a good one, it was clearly someone who didn't practice enough but apart from a few broken tones, one could listen to that for a while. You follow the voice, hoping to find its owner and after a while you do. They are kneeling next to a wooden bench, studying something you don't see.

As you approach them, you notice smaller details. They are wearing a gray t-shirt, blue jeans and worn out red sneakers. They have blond messy hair, not even long enough to reach the shoulders, looking almost as if it has never met a hairbrush before. Or maybe it has but it doesn't stay put. They are mumbling to themself something in a quite high-pitched voice. It's not annoying, it's something children would listen to before going to sleep.

"Ehm, excuse me?" you say, drawing their attention to yourself. Their head surprisedly snaps in your direction, as if they weren't expecting anyone here. Which is understandable considering the peacefulness of this place.

"Oh, yes, sure, I'm sorry," they say and stand up. They are even shorter then you were guessing. Maybe a meter and half? They give you a warm smile and continue in their unidentifiable accent: "I was in my own world, forgetting about everything. Sorry. You look pretty confused. Is there anything I could help with?"

"Ehm, you're akatengu?" you ask, uncertain of their reaction. "What does that mean, anyway?"

A glimpse of excitment crosses their face. "Yes, that's me. I prefer to be called Rin or Rina or something. Even Kate is okay. Call me whatever you want, just not 'Hey, you!', I don't like that. And my username is a compound of two Japanese words, 赤 (aka) and 天狗  (tengu), which means basically 'red heavenly dog'. A tengu is a Japanese folklore creature, a youkai or a supernatural being."

"O...kay, sure," you nod and look around. "What is this place anyway?"

"Evergarden," they reply right away. "I came up with it a second ago. I wanted to introduce myself through a 'story', if you know what I mean and I needed to think of a background. And this was the first to come to my mind, so welcome in Evergarden!"

You smile awkwardly. "Ehm... great. I'd like to get to know you more though."

"Sure thing, that's why we're here!" They sit down on the bench and pat the place next to them. "Come on, sit down. So what do you want to know?"

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