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Basically, they find out you've been suffering from depression.


Being the sensitive soul Hoseok is, I can see him starting crying as you tell him your story. It would just break his heart. He would grab your hand into his and caress it with his thumb while crying his eyes out. It'd be just so hard for him to imagine how much you must have suffered. Once you stopped talking, he would take you into a big and loving hug, sobbing while promising you: "Don't worry, jagi. I'm with you. So just... be happy again please?"

Namjoon would be listening silently as you would tell him about your problem. Knowing how understanding and supportive he is, you would eventually explain him the whole picture. He would stay long quiet even after you finish your talking and just stare into the distance, deep in thoughts. When it just passes the limit, you would have to take his arm and shake it to bring him back into reality. He would look at you, a single tear escaping his eye, his gaze hiding so much emotion it would break your heart. "I'm really sorry I hadn't found you sooner," he would say, partly blaming himself for the state you're in. "I'll stay by your side forever and make you happy again, okay? Just talk to me when something happens. You're not alone anymore."

Jungkook would stare at you with fear in his eyes. You really had to go through so much without him noticing? He would drop his gaze to thr floor, clenching his fists on his knees. He would listen to the end before apologizing to you for not being more understanding and observant when you needed him the most. He would blame himself for not finding out sooner and offer you all support and love you need. "Please, don't hide such things from me anymore," he would beg you, taking you into his warm embrace. "I love you, jagiya."

Jimin would break into tears the moment you open up to him about it. He wouldn't make any noise though, just listen to you quietly and look straight at you while tears keep streaming down his cheeks. Once you finished, he would snuggle up to you, hiding his face into your hair as he would cry his eyes out, finally letting himself sob loudly. "I'm a really bad boyfriend," he would say heartbrokenly. "I should have realized it sooner. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry, jagi. Forgive me please. Just..." Sob. "I'm here for you. I love you. So please don't be sad anymore."

Taehyung would stare at you blankly as you tell him about your situation. He would be listening carefully to every word you say, looking more and more like a shattered picture every minute that passes. He would keep staring straight into your eyes, keeping quiet even after you finish talking. "I-I..." he would say in his low, husky voice. His eyes would get a broken and lost gaze. "I don't know what to do, jagi. How do I make you happy again?" His desperate tone would make you really sad. "I'm sorry," you would murmur quietly. That would make him even more shocked, widening his scared eyes and taking your hands into his. "What are you apologizing for? It's not your fault for being like this. But don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'll do all I can to make you happy again. So smile soon, jagiya."

Being the way he is, Seokjin would have had suspicions about your delression a long time ago. Maybe he would even start the conversation to begin with. He would hold you close to him as you explain him what's going on, furrowing his brows at what you're saying. When you come to the end of your talk, he would kiss you on the top of your head before resting his head on yours. "It's going to be okay," he would say with confidence in his tone without losing the loving and soft shade of it. "We'll overcome it all. Together. Because I'm with you, jagi. So please don't lose hope. I love you."

 Because Yoongi has his own experiences with depression and mental problems, he would understand you the most, I think. He would be listening to your story, getting upset at everyone and everything that had hurt you. He may not be the best at expressing his own feelings but you would just know he understands. He would sit next to you all the time, holding your hand and furrowing his eyebrows when you finish talking. "I feel sorry that you have to go through the same as I had to," he would say in a quiet voice. "You know, I was alone, with no one understanding me. But you have me. We'll manage it, okay? Just don't give up and come to me anytime."

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