Slapping you

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{Request} You and your boyfriend get into a fight and as you yell at him, he loses control and slaps you. 

Disclaimer: My boys are not violent and I cannot see them hurting anyone in such way. This is just a work of fiction.

Namjoon would be so heartbroken. He knows he's strong and he's aware that he could really hurt you so he never would touch you in a wrong way. But there he was, his hand in the air, his eyes wide open and your cheek throbbing with pain. You would stand there in silence for a few seconds before Namjoon would collapse to a chair nearby and actually start crying. He would apologize to you over and over but he wouldn't dare to touch you, scared of your reaction. You could hear the broken tone in his voice as he would be saying: "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I would never hurt you. I just hate myself."

The moment the sharp sound of the slap filled the room, Yoongi would become frozen to the spot where he would be standing. The look of shock and pain in your eyes would completely disarm him, his anger disappearing in the air as he looked at you. He would then direct his eyes to the floor, bowing to you, actually kneeling down and laying in front of you, begging you for forgiveness. If he hated himself before, he would hate himself now even hundred times more because he hurt the love of his life and that would break his heart.

Jungkook wouldn't want to believe to what just happened. He was blinded with anger, doing the last thing he would ever want to do to you - he slapped you. He would stare at his hand that touched your cheek, leaving a bright red mark. I don't know if he would start crying but he would be definitely apologizing to you for the rest of his life. He might not show up for a few days, only leaving gifts on the doorsteps, hoping you would not start hating him.

Jimin would try to shrink himself. He would start trembling, having to hug his arms to make himself a bit steady. He wouldn't be able to believe what he just did. No, no. That was not him. He would immediately start apologizing, trying to explain everything. As he would feel an apology is not enough, even if you told him so hundred times, he would bring you a huge teddy bear, a basket of chocolate and your favourite meal the next day, tickets to the cinema, an expensive shirt and a bunch of books the day after until you stopped him and made him promise he would stop being so heartbroken over it because everyone can get so harsh, no matter the person and that you forgive him for god's sake.

Taehyung plays the role of a boy killing his father in their MVs. He had an idea about violence and harm. But never would he ever think he would hurt you. The moment his hand connects with your cheek would be like a knife stabbing him in the guts. He would quickly come to you, gently rubbing your skin pulsing with pain. He would apologize in his low, husky voice, pulling you close and forgetting about his anger. He would be extremely nice and thoughtful towards you the next few days, trying to make up for the slap.

Seokjin wouldn't take it well either. He wouldn't hit you too hard but just the fact that he raised his hand against you would make him feel like he's the worst person in the world. He would be feeling very, very bad for doing so. He would be apologizing and asking you to forgive him every now and then, everytime he would remember what happened. Even if you forgave him, he would hardly forgive himself for hurting his angel.

Hoseok would never, ever hurt you, no matter what happened. I just can't imagine that happening. He's a sunshine and he would love you more than himself at every occassion. Bye.

Hey, everyone. I'm sorry for not posting for so long and also for not replying to any of your comments. I read all of them though and I am really thankful for you feedback. I'll try to manage school and my free time better this time so I'll hopefully be more active. Love you a lot!

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