Crying in front of them

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I can see Jungkook becoming totally confused and heartbroken. He hates seeing you in this state. He knows you as a strong girl but when you suddenly burst out crying, he knows something bad must have happen. He would awkwardly pat you thigh, trying to comfort you with a hummed song.

Hoseok would feel like the sun suddenly stopped shining. Your bright smile made him always happy but now it was changed into pain and tears which rips his heart apart. He would probably start crying too, taking you into big hug, clinging to you like a baby monkey. He would start doing his aegyo or something funny despite his tears, in order to make you smile even a little. After he finally did it, he would be very relieved. Finding new courage, he would continue in his crazy dancing until you laugh, lighting up his sun again.

Namjoon would blame himself for not being able to see the pain you were feeling. He would know you had to be pushed to your limits to become like this. He would just stand there awkwardly, repeating his apologizes for not being quick enough to know something is off. I think he would be afraid to touch you due to him being nervous he could do something wrong and make you feel worse. You would have to approach him and make a contact first for him to take you into a big, loving hug, giving you all the support he can.

Jimin wouldn't know what to do. As soon as your first tears escape your eyes, he would start to panic. He would start asking you what's wrong and when he sees you're not in the state to answer him, he would feel lost about what to do. He would take into his arms, holding you tightly, hoping you would feel happy again. If it didn't work in a few minutes and you still continued crying, he would probably get very down, feeling depressed. In the end, you would have to comfort him because he would actually start feeling even worse than you. Seeing you like this would probably break his heart into pieces.

Taehyung would just stare at you, watching you falling on your knees crying and listening to his own heart shattering. He would feel like he's watching you from the other side of a glass, as if he couldn't reach you. He would blame himself for not noticing your suffering earlier. He would be probably a bit mad at you that you didn't tell him sooner but due to his tight schedule he can't really blame you. He would just stand there, not being able to do anything, until you say his name between your sobs. "Tae...hyung," you would cry out as a call for help. He would kneel next to you, taking you into loving hug, whispering you sweet nothings and occasionally kissing you on your forehead, promising everything will be alright.

Seokjin would be heartbroken as well. He would also feel like he hasn't taken enough care about you. He would probably start tearing, taking your hands into his own soft ones, caressing them with his thumbs, kissing your tears away and apologizing to you for being a bad boyfriend. When you calm down a bit, he would lead you over to a chair while starting preparing the best meal ever just to make you feel loved, repeating all over that he's here for you and you can rely on his anytime.

Knowing Yoongi, he wouldn't show much of emotion at first. But his inner self would be overhelmed with feelings. He would lead you over to a couch, lying down with you and cuddling with you while complaining about you not telling him. He would leave butterfly kisses all around your face, promising you to be always there for you and assuring you you can rely on him without hesitation. 

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