Having bad cramps

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I don't know how about you, guys, but I have pretty bad cramps. I usually cannot stand or walk because my legs hurt much more than my belly. Yeah, I'm an extreme but it's the only inspiration for me since my sister's period is quite peaceful.

Seokjin would catch on the fastest since he always notices even the smallest things about you. He would immediately lead you over to the bed, make you a hot cup of tea and lay down with you. He would also bring you some medicine to soften your pain. If you allowed him to touch you, he would wrap his arms around you, placing your head on his chest, while humming a song to calm you down. He would try to put you to sleep for you to feel less pain.

I think Jungkook would be closer to freaking out than you. He wouldn't be sure about what to do but would try his best to hide from you. He would bring you to the nearest chair while furiously googling out how to take care of a person on their period. He would do his best to make you warm drink and text to Seokjin what to do. He would give you painkillers on Seokjin's advice and settle down on a chair next to you, while holding your hands and making circles on them with him thumbs, hoping you would feel better soon.

Taehyung would push aside his playfulness and become more serious than normally. He would make you take painkillers, while caressing your hair softly, whispering how he loves you and how strong you are before taking you to bed and laying there with you. He would try to cheer you up and forget the pain with his sweet jokes. If it didn't work, he would tell you to sleep while watching you in case you would be in too much pain. He would maybe apologize to you in his head for being in so much pain, as if it was his fault.

Namjoon may be very intelligent, but would be a bit slower on what's going on. But once he found out, he would be very careful, considering you as something fragile which he might break. He would lay you on the couch and give you a lot of questions like "Do you want some medicine?", "Do you feel a little better?", "Do you want me to cuddle with you?" and so on. He would look unhappy the whole time, thinking about you being in pain and that he can't save you from it. In the end, he would sit next to the sofa on the ground, caressing your cheeks softly and kissing your forehead, hoping you sleep soon so you wouldn't feel the pain.

Hoseok would get really scared once he saw the pain you're in. He might panic a little, but would quickly bring you somwhere to sit, jumping around you with questions about what he should do. In the end, he would just take you into a big hug, rubbing your back and belly in attempts to make you feel better. Maybe he would cry a little over you being in pain, apologizing to you for being unable to help you.

Jimin would be helpless about what to do. He would hug you with his strong arms, kissing your cheeks and asking about what he could do for you. He would follow all your requests, taking you to the bed, caressing your arms and whispering you encouraging words. He would stay with you even when you finally fell asleep, holding you in big hug, wishing for you to be well soon.

Yoongi might or might not know what to do. If he knew, he would be cool about the whole thing. He would give you painkillers, laying with you into bed and carefully hold you in his embrace while whispering how everything's going to be alright. If he did not know, he would panic slightly and you would have to tell him what to do. He might be even scared to touch you in case he would worsen it. He would lay next to you, watching you struggling to sleep, while holding your hand tightly, trying to give you strength to survive it.

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