Having a nightmare

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They wake up in the middle of the night from a horrible nightmare concerning you.

Jimin would sit up, panting and covered in cold sweat. As he's always wrapped around you, this sudden movement would wake you up. You would get up, rubbing his back to comfort him and once his breath becomes steady again, you would stand up from the bed. He would immediately catch your arm, giving you a scared look: "Where are you going, jagi?" You would gently pull from his grip, touching his cheeks slightly: "I'm going to get you a glass of water. Wait a bit." Once you come back, he would drink the water and then pull you down into the bed, curling up by your side and listening to a lullaby you would hum for him to fall asleep again.

Yoongi would slash his eyes open, meeting with dark, quiet room. Still seeing your bleeding body in front of his eyes, he would turn to you, hearing your steady breath which makes him feel at ease. Without waking you up, he would wrap you into a big, tight hug, feeling your warm, beautiful as comfort for him. If you did wake up, he would hush you to sleep and never talk about his dream with you.

Hoseok would start crying. The image of you lying on the hospital bed, trying to catch your last breathes scared him to death. It would immediately wake you up, sitting up to him and hugging him tightly. Knowing how sensitive he is, you would let him calm down before asking what happened. He would tell you, crying his eyes out before passing out to sleep.

Namjoon wouldn't want to wake you up but would fail instantly. Still scared of his dream, he would stand up to go to the kitchen but would trip over something, making him fall to the ground which would wake you up. Seeing him leaving the roon would make you curious, ending up following him. You would find him collapsed on the kitchen table, seeming deep in thoughts and depressed. After sitting down next to him and asking what's wrong, he would hold your hands in his and tell you quietly about his dream. I can see him even apologizing for having such thoughts, leaving you speechless.

Jungkook would sit up and stare into the darkness for a couple of minutes. He would turn to you, pushing your hair out of your face, making a sad expression on his face. He would wrap his arms around you, trying to fall asleep again but with no luck. He wouldn't tell you about his dream but would think about it everytime he saw your face.

Taehyung would act similar to Jungkook. Shaking his head in confusion over how he could even think about something as horrible as this, he would pull you into a hug, waking you up. If you questioned his actions, he would simply brush it off, forgetting about it ib the morning anyway because it's impossible for his jagi to happen something like this.

Seokjin would open his eyes and blink a few times, trying to get such terrible thoughts out of his head. He wouldn't wake you up and would fall asleep again. Feeling it as a burden, he would tell you about it, actually feeling bad about dreaming of such things.

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