Confessing to you

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Seokjin would be sweet and romantic. He would invite you over to his place, as he did many times before, and suggest for you to make dinner together. You would have a lot of fun, throwing vegetables at each other and smudging ketchup all over your faces. As you would laugh cheerfully at the sight of his hair full of red sauce, he would suddenly become serious. You would wonder what's going on, when he confessed his feelings honestly, waiting for your answer. Once you admited on liking him back, he would become super happy, wrapping his arms carefully around your waist and kissing you softly on your lips.

Jimin would be super shy about it. Not really knowing how to confess his feelings, he would think of some alternative way without telling you directly. I can imagine him pretending to find a piece of paper on the ground. You would curiously ask what it is and he would hand it over to you, acting like he didn't care. Inside would be probably written something like:
Become Jimin's:
a) date mate/partner
b) a
c) both of the above
He would wait for you to cross your answer with worry in his eyes and blush across his face but would smile happily once he saw you choosing c, holding your hand and kissing you sweetly.

I can imagine Namjoon being very classic about it. He would take you out for a walk with you, chatting and listening to what you were saying. Then you would come on the end of the road and you would suggest to go back, but his hand would stop you. After clearing his throat, he would simply confess his feelings, ending his speech with cliché "Would you please go out with me?" Once you said yes, he would smile widely, showing his cute dimples, then take your hand and go back with you, as you wanted before.

Taehyung would be very random about it. He wouldn't have it prepared at all. He would probably sit with you on a bench in a park and you would slightly complain about all those couples passing you, sighing about being still single. He would just randomly react with "We could date, so you wouldn't feel so down." Once you agreed, he would continue in your previous conversation, smiling wider and more cheerfully then before. Then he would suddenly ask: "Are we really dating now?" As you confirmed his words, he would lean over to you, kiss you on your cheek before laughing happily.

Yoongi would do it with swag. You would hang out on an evening after long and exhausting working day. He would tell you about his sleepiness, adding casually "Maybe we should date, so I wouldn't have to sleep alone." Yeah, swag. Or at least he would pretend to be cool. Deep down in his heart, he would be very unsure about your reaction but if you agreed, he would smile a little and probably take a nap with you.

Hoseok would act as always, maybe a bit merrier and louder than usually. He would take you out into amusement park, taking you on slow or romantic rides, but would ruin the atmosphere by saying silly jokes, making you laugh out loud. When you decided to leave, you would complain about it being too short with you having so much fun. He would smile at you widely, saying "If we dated, we could do more fun things like this." - "What do you mean?" you would ask confused, before he gave you his answer: "Would you please go out with me?"

Jungkook would be very nervous and shy, but would have everything prepared in advance. He would take you out to the cinema, letting you decide the movie to see. Once it was over, he would take you to shops, buying you everything you wanted. When you left the shop with big stuffed bear in you arms, you would ask him why he's doing so much for you. He would smile and say: "Because I love you, that's why." After telling you his prepared speech about how beautiful and amazing you are, he would finally ask you: "Would you please go out with me?" Once you said yes, he would wrap his arms around you and kiss your forehead gently.

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