Confessing to them

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I've made one where they confessed to you. So now vice versa... in a bit of a fan fiction style. I'm really straightforward when it comes to things like this, so please have that in mind when reading. So it contains a lot of direct confessions and... blushes.

You two would be peacefully going through a park full of lighted lamps and after a long talk, you both would fall quiet. As Seokjin walked without a word, looking at something on his right, you would gather up courage and take a deep breath before saying out loud: "I love you." He would turn his head to you, surprised by your words, but then would smile warmly, responding: "I love you too." He would then offer you his silky hand which you would take after a short moment of hesitation and continue walking together, hand in hand.

Because you and Hoseok would be hungry after whole afternoon spent playing games, you would suggest to get something to eat as you are too lazy to cook something. After ordering food in a restaurant/fast food (you choose what you like), you both sit to a table and start eating. Knowing Hobi's playful personality, the meal wouldn't be quiet at all. You would be fooling around with each other the whole time, laughing and enjoying your time together. Then when you both actually calm down and concentrate on your meal, you notice a crumb on his cheek. You would reach over to put it away and when your finger touches his soft skin, you would say without thinking: "Oh, it's like baby skin! I always liked this on you." You would giggle at his puzzled and flustered reaction before explaining him your feelings. After hearing that, his cheeks would get red and he would start either smiling like a sunshine or crying (maybe even both), happy about you liking him. He would tell you incoherently that he feels the same, making you laugh at his cuteness before kissing his forehead lightly to make him flustered even more (how evil).

You would be standing under the tree nervously, looking at the school building with uneasiness as you keep waiting for Jungkook. You wouldn't be even sure if he comes though. You left him a short notice in his locker, asking him to come in the lunch break in the school garden. Your heart would flutter when you actually see him coming in your direction, keeping his head down. He would stop in front of you, asking: "Hey. So... what is it you want to tell me?" You gulp before taking a few deep breathes and confessing your love to him. Even though he wouldn't be looking at you, you could see the deep red on his cheeks. Not knowing what it means, you wait for his answer which is: "W-well... I've liked you too for some time now. Y-you a-are really... c-cute. S-so... are you free tonight?" (The image of Kookie stuttering is actually really cute. But he's still a playboy.)

It was already the fourth time today when Namjoon dropped a pen or paper on the ground and bent down to pick it up. He was trying to write a song for their next album but no ideas came to his mind. He would groan loudly, throwing everything on the desk in front of him and hiding his face in his big hands, feeling absolutely desperate. Even if he didn't say it, you would know because you know him good enough for it. You would stand up from wherever you were sitting and come over to him, rubbing his back reassuringly and telling him: "Don't push yourself so hard. Try taking a break before continuing, what do you think?" He would look at you with sadness in his eyes and sighing deeply. "I'm totally useless," he would say in his deep voice. "I can't even write a song." You would smile at him kindly and kissing him on the cheek. "I'd love you, even if you really couldn't. But I'm sure you'll do well." He would look at you in shock, a flow of inspiration coming to his brain as his cheeks get a bit pinker colour. "A-ah," he would agree. "I love you too."

You and Yoongi would be sitting in his studio room, with him working on a song or something. He wanted to send you away to do your own practice/go home (choose what position you have // idol x normal person). After you refused, he gave up and let you stay, ignoring your presence and concentrating on his work. As he stared at the screen, listening to something he composed in his headphones, you would feel fascinated by his dedication to his work and concentrated gaze in his eyes. You would stare at him like this for quite long time, maybe even fifteen minutes, before he noticed. He would look at you with confusion in his eyes, asking the question with his eyes. You would shake your head and smile, saying: "Nothing. I just realized how much I love you." His eyes would widen before turning away, embarrassed. "I-I love you too," he would stutter cutely. "Now shut up, I need to work." "Sure," you would say and laugh a bit, letting him do his things but he wouldn't get anything done because of you, so in the end, he would stand up with a sigh and snuggle up to you with a frown. "I can't concentrate. Let's sleep."

Taehyung would be sitting on a couch with headphones on his ears, listening to Cypher and enjoying the beat, even trying to rap along. Being used to it, you keep your head down to your book, quietly reading without feeling disturbed. Suddenly, he would take the headphones off his head, giving you one long look, saying with a smile: "I really love Cypher. I hope hyungs release fifth part." (Me too, Taetae, me too.) "Do you have a song you love as much?" You would close the book and think before answering your favourite song. He would nod, happy you have your favourite song. You would return to your book, opening it on the page you were reading and without raising your gaze, you would tell him: "I do love it but not as much I love you." He would look at you, taken aback by your words, not being sure how to react. In the end, he would just stare blankly at you reading, opening his mouth without any words coming out of it. You would look at him and chuckle, waking him up from his trance. "I-I-I-I love you too," he would murmur to himself, making you smile widely. Being the sunshine he is, he would quickly catch up and smile at you too, both of you being happy from each other's feelings.

I can see Jimin being the shyest out of the whole group. You would be watching him practice his dancing in the studio, sitting on the bench in the back and praising him to keep up his confidence everytime he managed some difficult part he was unsure about. He would always smile with his gummy bear smile he has but continue in the choreography. After the song ended, he would turn to you excitedly. "So what do you think?" he would ask you. You would smile at him, saying: "I think I fell even deeper for you after this, Park Jimin." With his cheeks in deep shade of red, he would turn his eyes away from you, focusing on the first thing coming into his sight. "What do you mean?" he would ask in a quiet voice and feel even more flustered after your response: "I love you." He would try to continue at practicing when the next song came on but would make a lot of mistakes because of his mind being concentrated on your confession. In the end, he would give up, pick up all his things and escape through the door of practice room. Before running away though, he would stop in the door for a few seconds, spitting out: "I love you too!" and run away afterwards, leaving you in flustered in the room.

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