Spring Day w/ NJ

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{Suggestion} Spring has come and you decide to spend the day outside when you suddenly meet a very handsome boy. Part 6/7  


Spring and warm weather may have embraced Seoul with all their might, but some things don't change across the season — and that is the craving for pancakes

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Spring and warm weather may have embraced Seoul with all their might, but some things don't change across the season — and that is the craving for pancakes. And in the local supermarket is a huge sale on eggs today, which means you taking your bag and running to the store as soon as you can.

You would enjoy your way there if you weren't worried about the shop selling out all eggs before you arrive. That's actually your first stop as soon as you step inside — you immediately stalk to the section and find the last package right there. You reach out to grab them... at the same time as someone else does. Your hands collide above the package and you both move back.

When you raise your glance, you meet with a handsome face of tall stranger. He looks as flustered as you feel and it becomes even more awkward.

"You can have them," you say quickly, backing away.

"No no, you have them," he replies, pointing at the box. 

"No, it's okay."

"What were you going to make?"

"I was thinking of making pancakes."

"Oh. In that case you need them more than I do."

"What about you?"


"What were you going to make?"


"Oh." You hesitate a bit longer before you take the package into your hand, snatching it away right before a very nosy old lady can take them. She frowns, but strolls away without any argument.

"Well, thanks then," you smile awkwardly. "Aren't eggs quite an essential ingredient when you're making... eggs?"

"Yeah," he nods, then quickly looks away. "But I wasn't going to make eggs because I need them, I just... like them. I like eggs. Not that it's my favourite food or that I'm an egg freak, just... Not that I hate other things, no..." He sighs and runs his hand across his face. "I just made myself sound really dumb, didn't I?"

You chuckle a little. "Maybe. But it was cute, so don't worry about it."

You see a slight flush across his face as he awkwardly scratches his head. "Really? I mean, um... Sorry."

"No, it's okay." You feel like blushing too. The whole situation was in a way adorable, but mostly just awkward. You would like to move, say goodbye and run as far as you could, but at the same time you don't want to do anything apart from standing here across him with a box of eggs in your hand.

He takes a deep breath, as if he was preparing to bungee jump, before saying: "I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon more precisely. Namjoon... is my name."

You smile. "I'm Y/N." You put the eggs in your basket. "Well, Kim Namjoon, I have to go shopping before they sell out all strawberries. It was nice meeting you."

He nods. "Same here. It'd be nice to meet again though."

"How about 4 o'clock in front of the tea shop nearby? Give me your number, I'll give you directions."

He gives you a shy smile. "I'll be there."

At 3:58 pm you're standing in front of the said tea shop, eyes glued to the screen of your phone, trying to look busy so you don't feel so awkward. Suddenly, you're not even sure if he'll come. You met over a box of eggs, there's no reason for him not to think you'll kidnap him—

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" His tall figure appears next to you, panting as if he ran all the way here. You notice he changed his clothes from sweatpants and old hoodie to jeans, turtleneck and long coat. Suddenly, he looks far more elegant and fancy than before which makes you rethink your clothing choices for a bit.

He gives you a big smile, showing his dimples. "Shall we go inside? It's my treat?"

You follow him, disagreement written all over your face. "I suggested this whole thing, shouldn't I be the one paying?"

"No, because I said it first."

You discover a cozy table in the back, hidden behind tall plants and surrounded by the pleasant scent of tea. There are three colourful armchairs with flower pattern on it. As soon as you sit down, a nice waitress with Japanese accent gives you the menu and leaves to give you time to go through.

"Wow," Namjoon says, surprised. "There is definitely a lot to choose from."

"It's amazing. Some tea flavours are very unusual but everything I've tried so far is great."

He goes through the list and reads out loud flavours that surprise him: "Curry Mint? Tomato Cucumber? Cherry Banana?" He shakes his head. "What are you going to have?"

You take a moment before answering. "Lemon Lavender. I haven't tried it yet. But if you want to try something unusual, I recommend Chocolate Rose. It was surprisingly tasty."

He doesn't seem fully convinced, but he decides to give it a shot. "Okay, let's see how truthful you are."

"Are you going to judge my character based on tea flavours whose liking depends on the said individual?"

"No. I'm just going to see if we share similar tastes."

When the waitress comes back, you place both orders and continue your conversation while waiting for your tea. You quickly go from talking about your favourite tea flavours to basic stuff about yourselves and get absorbed into the conversation so much, that you don't even fully notice the waitress bringing your order.

"How did you find this place anyway?" Namjoon asks after a while, looking around in disbelief. "I feel like I've entered a different world."

"You have to have a free day where you have nothing to do because your date got cancelled."


"I mean meeting my best friend. We haven't seen each other in a while, but they fell ill and couldn't come. And since I was already out in the city, I decided to explore."

"The last time I did this I found an abandoned puppy."

"Aw, did you keep it?"

"Yeah, he lives with me and my mom."

"That's cute. I'd like to meet him someday."

"You could join us tomorrow on our walk."

"Sure thing. How's the tea by the way?"

"Surprisingly delicious. I think I'll buy it next time again."

You give him a smile. "See, if you hang out with me more, you'll discover new great things like this tea."

"Sounds like we're starting an adventure."

"Oh yes, we do, dear explorer. Dora won't be able to keep up."

He laughs. "I'm counting on you then."

"Same here."

You shake your hands, as if you were sealing a secret deal and you can feel in your bones that this adventure will be greater than anything you've done before.

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