Waking up in middle of the night

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You wake up during your sleep from a horrible nightmare about members of BTS, crying and terrified (I actually have nightmares quite often).

Seokjin would probably have his arms wrapped around you when asleep, so as soon as you sit up in shock, cold sweat and panting, he would immediately know. Without thinking too much, he would take your hands and rub them with thumbs while whispering to you that everything is alright. You couldn't shake off the memory of him being smashed by a truck and start crying. He wouldn't ask knowing you need to calm down first, trying to help you with sweet words and occasional kisses on your hands.

As you sit up in fear, tears streaming down your face, you would stay completely quiet, afraid to wake your boyfriend up. But with the first sob escaping your throat, Jungkook would get awoken almost immediately. Seeing you in this state would make him confused and heartbroken. He would sit up, take you into tight back-hug with his chin resting on your shoulder, swinging with you from side to side. Not knowing what to say, he would just quietly hum a song while listening to your shaking voice telling him how you saw him get shot by a burglar, making him smile while reassuring you he would never let himself get killed like this.

Hoseok would get awoken the second you gasp and open your eyes. You would still see your beloved Hobi falling down the stairs and breaking his neck, taking all energy to sit up from you. He would crawl to your side, rolling you on top of him and taking your face into his soft hands. "I don't want you to get hurt," you cry out between sobs. He would kiss your nose and wipe your tears away with his thumb, whispering with a bright, comforting smile: "Nothing can happen to me as long as I have you, sunshine. So don't worry about me. It was just a dream..." I can see him actually breaking into tears as well from seeing you so broken. You would probably cuddle really close and crying yourself to sleep, comforting each other with your presence.

Taehyung would wake up with the sound of your sobs, very confused about what's going on. It would take him a second to realize you're curled up while sitting, crying quietly your eyes out while trying to brush that horrible dream about him getting kidnapped by sasaengs, filling you with fear. With completely messed hair, he would crawl in front of you, waiting for you to look at him. Once you do so, he takes you into a warm and lovable hug, whispering you comforting words. He wouldn't ask you what happened, although he might be curious the next morning. But at that very moment, he would want you to feel good and happy again because your happiness is everything to him.

I can see Jimin being the one who wakes you up. With his liking in cuddling and sleeping as close to you as possible, he would feel immediately when you start tossing yourself in your sleep. Afraid something might happen to you, he would carefully shake your shoulder, ending your nightmare right before the attacker kicks him in his already bloody face. You open your eyes, already filled with tears, but when you see Jimin's worried face, safe and sound, you would break into tears from the relief of seeing him alright. He would hide your face into his chest, letting you cry yourself out, while caressing your hair and kissing top of your head, whispering: "Everything is alright, jagi. I'm here. You're here. We're both here. Nothing happened. It was just a dream."

It would take Yoongi a little longer to get fully awoken with his love for sleep, but once he's wide awake and sees you crying with your face hidden in your hands, he would sit up just to pull you back in the bed, into his strong arms giving you support. He wouldn't talk, just laying there, caressing your hair and cheeks with his soft fingers, while you try to forget the terrifying image of him suffering of an unknown illness. You would suddenly wrap your arms around him, making him a bit surprised. "Stay with me," you would whisper simply, giving him the message. He would hold you tighter and hide his face into his hair, responding after a while: "I'm here. Let's sleep again. It was just an unreal dream. You won't be able to get rid of me so easily.", ending with a loving smirk.

Namjoon would panic at first. Once he sees you curled up and crying, your back facing him, he would probably have a black out for a second before maintaining his feelings. He would move closer to you, wrapping you into a strong, yet careful hug as he would be afraid to break you, with how fragile you seem at the moment. You would turn to him, looking up into his eyes before crying desperately: "You can't leave me." His heart would break at the sight of the pure sadness in your eyes, making him smile sadly. "I'm not going anywhere," stating simply which would make you calm down, understanding the hidden meaning behind his words as he's not good with expressing himself, knowing he would never say such horrible things to you as he said in your dream. You would snuggle up closer to him, closing your eyes and letting yourself feel safe in his hug, knowing he would never hurt you.

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