7 Things: Best friends

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BTS as lists of things best friends do together. Feel free to add more.


★playing video games — and also replying to your texts late because he was playing games and forgot

★coming over a lot rather than going out

★lazy Sunday afternoons in bed, both on your phones

★comfortable silences rather than talking all day

★inside jokes based on memes and long rants about fictional characters

★a lot of stubborn sulking after fights and waiting who gives up first

★playing shadow theater with hands


★texting weird 4 am questions in the middle of night

★unplanned sleepovers with talking late into the night  and movie nights under blanket with a lot of snacks

★your parents treat him like their own now —  and also the one friend who would safely deliver you home if you got drunk

★a lot of jokes and meme referrences and a lot of laughing emojis in texts

★apologies right after a fight

★completely forgetting about time when you're together

★throwing each other the biggest birthday parties ever


★always speaking honestly with each other, sometimes resulting in heated discussions rather than fights or deep philosophical discussions about the essence of universe at 3 pm

★the responsible friend who remembers your schedule better than you

★spontaneous rants about hard days in the chat

★long-ass phone calls

★comfortable silences while both reading a book/scrolling through phone

★constantly planning future travels even if they'll never happen

★making bad drawings of each other for the giggles


★sending song recommendations and images without contexton daily basis 

★constantly talking, even if you're far apart

★sending memes when you're sitting right next to each other and waiting for the other's reaction

★owning matching colourful socks

★cuddling on the sofa while watching Disney movies

★jokes based on sarcasm and irony

★swearing around each other a lot but never cursing at the other


★more emoji, images and gifs when texting rather than actual texts

★giving each other random crazy nicknames and having matching keychains

★knowing all details about the other thanks to the constant thread of messages

★random little dances when listening to music while being somehow in sync

★almost never keeping quiet around each other, including long-ass walks while permanently talking

★making decisions by rock-paper-scissors

★finishing each other's food even without asking first


★being very loud and lively comfortable with everything around the other

★still wearing friendship bracelets and havingsuper long secret handshakes

★repeating all the old stories without getting bored of it and always having a good laugh

★giving the other pep talks even if they're just going to order a burger

★hanging out at your house even before you get there

★playing hide-and-seek in Ikea

★having horror movie nights and being afraid to go the bathroom alone


★a lot of heart emojis

★hyping each other about basically everything

★regular coffee dates and window shopping while contemplating what exactly you'd do in the outfit

★creating crazy dating profiles together for fun

★keeping embarrassing pictures of the other for teasing

★sending screenshots of conversations with the other's crush

★watching terrible movies together to make fun of them

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