Spring Day w/ YG

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{Suggestion} Spring has come and you decide to spend the day outside when you suddenly meet a very handsome boy. Part 3/7


"I'm sorry!" you yell behind you at the old lady you bumped into

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"I'm sorry!" you yell behind you at the old lady you bumped into. She starts complaining about selfish and arrogant youth but you can't really pay attention to her - you're in a hurry. Even though you woke up early, had breakfast and felt like you had a lot of time, you left the house too late. Again. And now you'll probably come late.

You arrive a minute earlier than you hoped and almost fall onto a person in front of you as you try to stop yourself after the long run. Just before you have the chance of taking them down to the ground with you, they catch you in their arms. As you glance up, you realize it's quite a handsome boy balancing a box of popcorn in his embrace while trying not to drop you.

"Sorry," you mutter and straighten your pose. "I normally don't bump into people like this. Not that I bump into them anyway, I just-"

He chuckles as he watches you stutter with amusement in his eyes. He nods to the ticket in your hand. "You're going to the movies?"

"Yes," you agree, a bit embarassed.

"And it seems like you're sitting next to me," he continues. "So if you want, you can grab some popcorn. I only bought it because I felt like I should."

"Isn't it a bit... I don't know, weird to offer food to a stranger like this?" you ask, a bit concerned.

He gives you a cheeky smile. "We aren't really strangers though, are we?"

You follow him into the cinema hall, shock in your eyes. You are not strangers? What does he mean? "Ehm, what?"

"Come on, Y/N, you really don't remember me?" he laughs as he sits down to his seat. "We went to the same primary school. For six years actually."

You stare at him until realization hits you. "Oh my god, you are Min Yoongi. How have you been? I couldn't recognize you!"

"I've been fine," he answers, chuckling. "You've changed too. But your clumsiness is still the same. Remember when you spilled the water at me in art class?"

"Yeah," you laugh, feeling a bit embarrassed upon remembering. "It was in the third grade. I couldn't look you in the eye ever since."

"You're looking at me now," he points out.

You feel blood running into your cheeks, so you turn away.

He laughs. "Sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I know you never wanted to meet my eyes and I thought you hated me."

"I don't," you shake your head quickly. "I am just... Gods, this is awkward."

"I think it's alright," he says just as the movie starts. You both get silent and don't talk until the end. Despite that, you can strongly feel his presence on your left, as if his whole being was burning with existence and you couldn't unnotice it.

When the credits start rolling and you consider whether you should leave first, with him or after him, he turns to you and gives you a cheeky smile. "Since we ran into each other like this, do you want to go grab a burger or something?"

You slowly nod your head. "Yeah, why not? It'd be nice to catch up."

And just like this, you leave together. You stroll down the town, conversating casually about your lives and all the interesting things the other missed until you find a cozy-looking McDonald's. You both order - Yoongi decides for a full menu, you take a shake (or whatever sweet thing you like there). You find a free table next to the window and sit down.

"I can't believe he actually did that," you laugh. "Who would willingly twerk in a convenience store?"

"Well, that's Hoseok for you," Yoongi smiles. "He can never resist playing Truth or Dare."

"I'd like to meet him one day."

"I could take care of it, if you want."

"That'd be great." You look at him. "Do you still play piano?"

He laughs. "As if I could stop."

"I remember how you played in front of the whole class in the sixth grade. I admired you a lot for that. Must have taken some courage, especially because..."

"Especially because there were kids bullying me," he finishes with a nod. "I know. But it's been my passion since I can remember. Some bullies could never stop me."

"You're really awesome."

"You too. You've done a lot in your life too."

You shrug. "So you're producing music? I've heard something from you on the internet."

"I'm mostly just composing," he answers and finishes his burger in one bite. "But one day, I'd like to become a rapper on my own."

"That's great! If you ever decide to, you have to let me know. I'll start your fanclub."

He laughs. "Well, thanks. But concerning this — I don't have any contact on you. Do you have Kakao?"

You take out your phones and exchange numbers. Just as you're returning your phone into your pocket, a new message pops out on your screen. It's a Kakao sticker of blushing Apeach from Yoongi. You look up and give him a questioning grin. "Why are you texting me when I'm sitting literally in front of you?"

"Like this, I got you on top of my conversations, so I can text you the moment you leave."

"That was either really weird or cheesy."

He chuckles. "I guess both. But my plans would be ruined if you texted me first."

"Tsk, as if I would be playing this dumb game of yours."

He shrugs. "Whatever."

You look on your phone. "I'm sorry but I'll have to go. I promised mom I'll take pork out of the freezer before she gets home."

"That's an emergency," he agrees. "I'll stay here, I guess. Hoseok just texted me he's coming here."

"Have fun then," you say. "And introduce him to me someday."

"Sure thing. It was nice seeing you though."

"You too. See you."

"Yeah, see ya." He waves at you and watches you exit the room. Just as you disappear behind the corner, his phone vibrates with a new message. It's a sticker of Jay-G checking his phone. Yoongi grins and looks up, even though you're not there anymore.

And here you said you wouldn't play these dumb games. Silly.

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