Working in an office

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What kind of workers the boys would be if they didn't start their music careers?

Taehyung would be the mood-maker. He would always come cheerful, filled with stories to tell and theories to talk about. He would learn about interests of all his collegues and would do some research, so none of them would feel lonely and out of place at work. His desk would be always decorated with framed pictures of his dog and he wouldn't be afraid to talk about him at any occassion he gets, no matter if the conversation at that moment talks about dogs or not.

Seokjin would be the super popular collegue that everyone wants to hang out with.  He would come off as flawless, despite appearing useless in his work sometimes — "I'm sorry, I accidentally made 200 copies!" — "I was supposed to call them today?" And yet, no one would ever dream of firing him, because of his charms, hard-working nature and friendly atmosphere. He would be the one to lighten the mood with a terrible joke. Even though he doesn't smoke, he would use the smoking breaks to hang out with his collegues and plan drinking plans for the evening.

Jimin would be the romantic soul and heartthrob of the office at the same time. All his collegues would find themselves weirdly attracted to his cute smile and clumsy personality, yet the one he's interested in wouldn't pay him any attention. Everyone would know about his crush, including the person themself, but Jimin would believe he's very good at hiding it. He would always go out with others to drink, despite always being the one drunk first and the one who needs to help get home afterwards. He would do a lot of mistakes at his work, which would probably stress him out but he always manages to make up for them before it starts affecting his collegues.

Yoongi would be the stressed manager. He might appear quiet and not very visible, but he would be working hard every day and show excellent results, which would eventually earn him the position of the manager of his department. Despite loving sleep, he would often lose it over stock-taking, planning trips and meetings, checking the flow of work in the department. He would appear tough and intimidating, but everyone would eventually find out that deep down, he's actually a very sweet guy who just takes his job too seriously.

Hoseok would be the best at handling clients. Always cheerful and sociable, he would persuade his clients to agree with him despite coming there to yell at him. Even his relationship with collegues would be great — he would be the first one to be invited out and no one would forget to stop by his desk every morning to say hello. Despite always showing excellent results, he would play games at work. His ability to balance work and his gaming addiction would never cease to amaze his collegues and he would never hide it, not even from his boss.

Jungkook would be the one spacing out often. He would get confused easily, forget about some stuff as he goes along and soon before he should be ending, he would find the load of unfinished work. Thanks to this, he would often stay past quitting time, but his friends from work would always wait for him to finish, so they could all go out together. He would often engage in conversations about his collegues and rumours but despite that, he would never feel like he knows his collegues well, apart from the few he hangs out with every day.

Namjoon would be always serious about his work. He would be the first one to finish, which would positively motivate his collegues. In the morning, he would always come reading newspapers and then inform everyone around him about what's new. He would be also the one everyone comes for help to — even if the problem is not his field, he would come with a helpful advice, which would greatly increase the efficiency of work. Despite being quite outgoing, he would have only one true friend at the office he would often hang out with and who would know him even outside of work, while for the others, his private life would stay a mystery. There wouldn't be many rumours surrounding him, but when some appears, it would be the most juiciest one could come up with.

Hello, everyone.

My first actual English fanfiction is finally up. I'd appreciate if you checked it out, I've worked on it for a while now. It's a bit angsty, a tiny bit of mystery and is an experiment of mine.

Thank you all for all the support I have received from you. I hope we'll be seeing each other on this platform for a long time!

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