A/N: To my readers

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Hello everyone,

for the last few months, I've been getting offers and questions about this book. So let me say it clearly for everyone.

I am willing to lent you my ideas. If you want to write a fanfiction based on my scenarios or want to translate this book into your language, don't be afraid to hit me up. I support creative spirit and if I happen to awaken it inside you, I'd love to help you express it. As long as we come to an agreement and you keep certain conditions, you can use my ideas for your own sake.

Also, if you want my opinions on your writing, I'll be happy to read a piece of your work. I used to do this a few years back and it was quite popular, so if you have anything you've written and you're unsure about, I'll read it (if I can understand the language of course) and give you some feedback. No matter if it's on Wattpad or somewhere else.

What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be afraid of asking me about anything. I may not always say yes but I am willing to hear you out and search for an answer together.

Have a nice day and good luck with anything ahead of you!


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