Do you want to build a snowman, Jimin?

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{Request} You go out on a snowy day and build a snowman with them. Part 6/7


A ray of winter sunshine touches your skin and gently makes you awake

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A ray of winter sunshine touches your skin and gently makes you awake. You keep your eyes closed but reach behind you for your boyfriend. You feel reassured once you find him lying right next to you, his strong, muscular arm thrown over your waist, quiet snores coming from his half-opened mouth. You turn to face him and snuggle up to him, careful not to wake him up but still, you feel his embrace tightening around you.

"Morning, jagi," he whispers in a really sleepy voice.

You smile, reach up to him and kiss his cheek. "Good morning. Hungry?"

"Hungry for your love," he mumbles.

You laugh and look at him. "I was talking about food."

"And I was talking about you," he replies and opens one eye to look at you. "Do I get another kiss?"

"Pfft." You give in and peck him once more. You pull away but he doesn't let you — instead he pulls you closer and kisses you deeply, passionately. The kiss is not really pleasing, your morning breaths and sleepy, sloppy mouths would make it hard to enjoy but your love makes up for it.

Once he finally lets go of you to catch breath, you laugh and smack him on his chest. "What are you doing, Jiminie?"

He gives you a warm smile. "Enjoying the love I am hungry for."

"Fine." You kiss his nose and he yawns. "I'll make us some breakfast."

He grabs your wrist and gently pushes you back next to him. "No preparing breakfast. Let's cuddle. I'll take you out for a cake or something."

"You meanie," you giggle. "But okay, your wish is my command."

"No," he disagrees. "Your wish is my command."

You let him wrap his arms around you again and bury your face into his chest as he gently kisses your forehead and lets you get comfortable in his embrace. You enjoy the peacefulness of this morning, with no rushing and no stressing, simply just lying in the bed.

Then you get up. "Come on, we can't stay the whole day in the bed. Plus I'm hungry."

He groans in disagreement but when you glance at him, he's smiling. "I wish we could just stay here. But since you want your cake, we should go."

You nod and leave the room, going to the bathroom. When you notice him appearing behind you, you run a bit, in order to be the first one there. You close the door right in front of him and he whines in reply.

"Hey, this is not fair," he complains.

You giggle and take your toothbrush. "Shut up, Park Jimin. You should have been faster."

You hear his back sliding down the door. He sits down on the floor in front of the bathroom and lets his head lean against the wood. "You are so mean, jagi."

"You love me anyway," you object with mouth full of paste foam. "Don't deny it."

"That's true," he agrees. "But I can still be a bit mad, don't you think?"

You finish up brushing your teeth, flush the foam from your mouth and as you open the door, you lean down and kiss the top of his head. "I know you can't be mad at me."

He frowns as he gets up but pecks you on the mouth, making his way into the bathroom. "Shut up." He grins at you. "I could never be mad at you."

You let him close the door and return to the bedroom. Taking out all the clothes you need, you dress yourself up according to the cold weather outside and sit down on the bed, your jacket lying in your lap.

When he appears in the doorway, he gives your a quick glance and smiles warmly. "You're already finished? Ah, now you'll have to wait, jagi."

You poke his belly as he passes by you, making him giggle as you tickle him. "Then you better hurry up, honey. I'm looking forward to the cake."

Once he's all dressed up, you both take on your jackets, shoes, gloves and you practically run out of the door in excitment. You almost forget to lock the door as the wave of joy runs over you like a mad reindeer.

When you walk out of the house, you find Jimin lying in the snow on the opposite side of the road. You laugh as you join him in making the snow angels. You watch the sky full of grayish clouds floating hundreds of kilometres above you and you would probably enjoy this view for a while more if the face of your beloved boyfriend didn't appear right in front of your eyes. You yelp as you hit him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you squeak out when he leans back and you sit up. "I didn't want to hit you, I was just startled—"

You freeze when he starts laughing. He rubs the hit spot on his temple and laughs with that carefree laugh you love. "You should see your face right now," he chokes out before breaking into another wave of laugh.

"Hey, don't laugh!" You wave your hand in front of his face as if you wanted to slap him again. "This is a serious matter! I'm trying to apologize and yet you —"

He shuts you off with his soft, warm lips crushing against yours. For a little bit, you probably look startled again but soon you give in and return his kiss in the same gentle way. He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs and makes you lean closer.

When you break the kiss for air, he starts laughing again. His lips are all swollen and you blush upon realization that that is your doing. He offers you a hand and together, you get up from the ground. As you look at all the snow around you, an idea comes to your mind.

"Jimin?" you ask, drawing his attention to yourself. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

He gives you a sly smirk and throws a snowball at you. "Oh, you bet, jagi!"

You brush the snow out of your hair and charge after him, chasing him all over the place before he suddenly stops and you, not expecting him to, run right into his open embrace. You both fall into the snow. You look at him and he smiles again: "I found a great spot for our snowy friend."

You give him a smirk and get up. "Let's get into work then."

You help him up and divides the tasks. As Jimin starts rolling his three balls, you go around looking for sticks and stones to make the snowman's face with. When you finish your hunt and return to your snowman-spot, you find Jimin piling up the snowballs he made. Surprised at his speed, you join him.

"I'll make his arms," he offers. "You can make his face. Make him smile though."

You nod and wade in. In a perfect harmony of movements and thoughts, you and Jimin finish your snowman. You step back to look at your work. The snowman looks indeed cute, even with his body a bit deformed from Jimin's constant adjustments of the snow to fit his ideals.

"I think he's beautiful," he says proudly.

You chuckle. "I agree."

His hand slides into yours. "So, do you want the cake?"

You look at him and kiss him. "Of course, silly. Let's go."

I thought I would never finish this. You can all thank to Jin and his 'Summertime Record' for getting me to work. Sorry it took so long, I am sick and busy with school. I really hope I'll have more time for writing.

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