The Return of Superman w/ SJ

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AU in the future where BTS have children and make an apperance on the show The Return of Superman. Part 1/7

SEOKJIN in a The Return of Superman episode "They grow up so fast"

SEOKJIN in a The Return of Superman episode "They grow up so fast"

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It's a beautiful morning in the Kim residence. It's almost 8 am and the house it still quiet... Or at least was until now. Heavy and sleepy steps resonate through the flat. Who's the first one to wake up?

Seokjin walks into the kitchen, yawning and stretching, with sleepy Woojin following suit. The little three-year-old yawns with his mouth widely open and continues to scratch his belly. His dad enters the kitchen, opens the fridge and takes a few things out.

"Daddy?" Woojin's voice is still husky from sleepiness. His short body climbs up on a chair and leans himself on the table. "What's for breakfast this morning?"

"How about some pancakes?" Seokjin asks, already mixing flour, eggs, butter, sugar and salt together. "You like those, don't you?"

Woojin spreads his lips into a huge grin. "Ooh, pancakes!"

His dad returns the smile. "Mommy would be against it, but let's try it with ice-cream today, what do you say?"

The little boy jumps off the chair in excitement and runs out of the room, leaving Seokjin to his cooking. After running through the hallway for a bit, he opens the door to his room and jumps to his brother's bed, waking him up without missing a beat.

"Soojin, Soojin," he says, hitting the sheets with his hand. "Daddy's making pancakes with ice-cream!"

"Ice-cream?" Jinah's head pops out in the door, looking startled. "Mommy will be mad!"

"Mommy doesn't have to know!"

"These uncles here are recording it!" She points at a cameraman hidden in a white house in the corner. "Mommy will find out."

"But it'll be too late for that!" Woojin points out and goes back to waking up his sleepy brother. Jinah puffs her cheeks upon being ignored and makes her way into the kitchen. She seems so unhappy about the thought of going behind her mother's back — will she pester her daddy too?

"Daddy," she says, tiptoeing next to the kitchen counter to see what he's doing. "Will you put in coconut ice-cream?"

Seokjin looks down at her and smiles. "Of course, if that's what you want to eat." He puts the mixture onto a frying pan and starts cooking it. "Jinah, would you set the table?"

While both dad and the eldest daughter work in the kitchen, the younger boys do their best to get up. It's not easy though — despite hearing about sweet breakfast, Soojin doesn't seem too excited about leaving his comfortable bed. Woojin may have been awake a bit ago, but now he's comfortably lying next to his brother.

"Soojin!" His father's voice fills up the whole apartment. "Woojin, where are you two? Breakfast is ready!"

He finds both of the boys nodding off in their bed. It takes him a while to wake them up again and convince them to go to the kitchen but as soon as he does, they get on their small feet and run through the apartment to get their pancakes.

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