Surprising them

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You haven't seen them in a long time thanks to their activities, so you decide to go see them, surprising them with your arrival.

Namjoon would be going down the street in his fashionable outfit, enjoying the surroundings when suddenly, as he would be passing by a corner of another street, he would spot a familiar face — almost as if dreaming, he would spread his arms and let you slip into his embrace, squeezing his body in excitement of your meeting. Only with you holding him would he truly believe that yes, you are here, here with him and oh gods, he would feel so happy and emotional from how much he had missed you that he might actually start crying on the spot, just hugging you and absorbing your presence with every inch of his soul.

Walking around the city and taking tons of pictures, Taehyung would be completely absorbed in what he's doing, becoming too busy to truly notice his surroundings. He would stand in front of a statue and posing for a selca when he would notice someone posing behind him, smiling widely into the camera. Yes, indeed, he knows the person. And as he would turn around to make sure it's really you, you would be already jumping to hug him. He would manage to catch you in time but would lose balance, both of you falling to the ground. But neither of you would care, you would be lying on the floor, sobbing while hugging, tightly holding the other as if they could slip away, feeling so, so happy about your reunion that you would completely forget about where you are and all the people staring at you.

Jungkook would black out for a bit. He would be walking on the street, eating ice-cream and internally laughing at a new joke he heard when he would see you. He would freeze on the spot, ice-cream falling from his hand, simply staring at you in disbelief. Only when you start approaching him closer, worrying that maybe you shouldn't have come, would he come running to you, grabbing you firmly around your waist as if you could disappear. All your happiness and relief would be poured into your hug, warming up your heart as if it had been made of ice until now.

Hoseok would be probably sightseeing, stopping in front of landmarks and monuments he would like, taking pictures and reading information signs placed around. As he would be turning away from one, he would come face to face with you, smiling at him widely and yelling: "Surprise!", catching him completely off guard. You would be staring at each other for a few seconds before he would process what's going on, breaking into a huge grin and starting to yell while grabbing you in his embrace. In a bit, you would be jumping around, yelling in happiness, maybe even crying — anyway, not even the rudely looking lady over there couldn't doubt that you really missed each other.

Seokjin would be impressing the world with his looks, basically flirting with everyone acting at least a bit nice to him, sending flying kisses all around the place. As he would be crossing a nice, quite small square with a fountain, he would notice you sitting on the edge of the fountain, looking all beautiful and lost. With a huge smile spread on his face, approaching you with a gentleman bow, kissing the top of your hand, and as he would be getting ready to say something, you would silence him with a tight hug around his neck, basically jumping at him in excitement. He would easily catch you and hold you firmly in his arms, kissing your cheeks while laughing, happy from your arrival.

Yoongi would be sitting on a park bench, hidden in the shadow of a tree after a long and exhausting walk. When he would hear someone sitting down next to him, he would raise his head, ready to fight whoever there was — but when he would see it's you, he would fall silent. You would giggle at his reaction before leaning forward, kissing him. When you would pull away, he would still seem frozen, making you laugh and hug him tightly to convince him you are really there. When you succeed, he would wrap his arms around you and bury his face in your shoulder, feeling really happy about seeing you again but refusing to let you see his rawest emotions. He would start laughing and crying at once, clinging to you and telling you how much he had missed you and how hard it had been without you, and thanking you for being here with him.

Jimin would be in a local store buying snacks for the evening. He and the boys would be planning to watch a film and he would be the one chosen to go out and buy something to eat. Taking his mission very seriously, he would stand in front of the shelves, thinking deeply about what to choose, when suddenly someone grabs a bag of chips and offers it to him. He would look up and meet with your eyes. You both would stand there for a bit, slowly processing that the love of your life is standing in front of you, smiling at each other and slowly tearing up before hugging each other and staring to cry. You would stand there in the middle of the store in the other's embrace, telling the other how much you missed them and how you were thinking about them day and night before pulling away for a bit and looking into each other's eyes, just enjoying the presence of the other.

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