Spring Day w/ TH

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{Suggestion} Spring has come and you decide to spend the day outside when you suddenly meet a very handsome boy.  Part 5/7  


This gif doesn't exactly shout "spring" but whatever

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This gif doesn't exactly shout "spring" but whatever

It's a beautiful spring day full of warm sunlight and chirping birds. The streets are full of people going on a stroll, children running around and screaming, dogs jumping excitedly around. It's a perfect day to spend it outside — but you aren't there. Instead, you find it a perfect opportunity to stop by a local library and find something new to read.

As soon as you enter the building, you are surrounded by the very well-known, pleasant smell of old paper and ink. The old librarian behind the counter greets you politely and you ask her about new deliveries. When you find out that nothing interesting has been added to the shelves since you were here last time, you stalk to look around the bookshelves, quite disappointed with your discovery.

Your steps lead you into a section where you roam often. You sigh and run your fingers across the colourful spines of books, until it stops at one at your eye level. You pull it out to read the description at the back, when something else catches your attention.

 When you pull out the book, you see an face on the other side. You don't see it fully in the thin hole that the book left behind but you can say it's someone really handsome. When you realise the other person is looking at you, you mumble a sorry and step a bit away to avoid an awkward situation. You can't even focus at the text, so you put it back and move to the other end of the section. You pull out another book only to find out the person is standing there again. Flustered, you quickly put it back on its place and breathe out.

You look back at the book you have just put back. The Vegeterian by Han Kang. You caress the spine before grasping it again and slowly pulling it out. The face is still there and clearly looking right at you. 

You see a smirk forming on his face when he asks: "Are you stalking me?"

You cover your mouth by a hand and quickly deny it. "No, really not. It was an accident. Although right now I took it out only to see if you're still there."

The boy laughs softly. "I was just joking." His face disappears for a bit before it appears next to the bookshelf at your right. He leans against the wood and nods at you. "That book is really good. If you're here to borrow something, I recommend this one."

You look at The Vegeterian in your hand. "Oh, I read this when it was released. And I agree, it's great." 

He raises his hand with Please Look After Mom. "Have you read this one? I'm considering reading it."

"Yeah. I liked it but it's really emotional, so I don't know if you'll like it. Also the writing style is kind of... specific."

"Sounds like something I should read." He gives you a smile and extends his hand to you. "I'm Kim Taehyung."

"Y/N." You shake his hand and quickly search for something to say. "Um, do you read a lot?"

"I'd say so, at least these days."

"These days?"

"I became too busy to read but now I've got more time for it, so I'm trying to catch up with everything I missed."

"I see. Well, whatever you pick up in this section, you won't regret reading it."

He flashes you with another smile. "Thanks. So what do you think about The Vegeterian?"

You quickly delve into deep discussion with him, comparing your opinions. When you run out of things to say about it, he brings up another title to talk about. His opinions are smooth and clever and he always leaves a room for your potential disagreement. It's very easy to express yourself to him without fear of being judged.

"Do you come here often?" you ask in the end.

He shrugs. "Not really. But I see you here everytime I walk in, so I suppose you do."

You grimace a little. "Call me weird if you want to, but I really enjoy reading these days and since I read quickly, I need to pick up something new every few days." You stop for a bit. "Wait, does that mean you're stalking me?"

"I don't," he laughs, "I just noticed you here a few times."

"You said every time."

"That was a hyperbole."


"But because I'm not here too often, you could say it's every time."

You narrow your eyes suspiciously, but still can't fight back a smile creeping on your lips. You then return your attention back to the books, walking away a bit with him right after you. 

"So what's your favourite book?"

You think a bit before answering. "And what about you?"

He shakes his head. "I can't choose one."

"And the last book you've read?"

"Lord Chesterfield's Letters to His Son."

"That's quite heavy to read, isn't it?"

"It's historical. I found it interesting." He nods to the bookshelves. "Are you borrowing something today?"

"I'm not sure. I can't choose."

As if it's been waiting there for him, he pulls out a book with colourful cover and hands it to you. The title say The Impossible Fairy Tale by Han Yujoo. He gives you a knowing smile and taps his finger on the front.

"This was really interesting. If you haven't read it yet, try it."

You smile at him. "Thanks, I will."

You both go to the counter to check it out and when the librarian tells you a polite goodbye, you go outside. The weather is still nice but the afternoon is quickly turning into evening. The temperature hasn't dropped much yet but you feel a bit chilly air creeping up your skin.

"It was nice meeting you," Taehyung says and taps on the book he's holding. "I hope you'll like it."

"Me too," you nod and point across the street. "I'm going that way."

He points behind himself. "I go that way."

"So, have a nice evening," you say, smiling a bit.

"You too." He bows deeply and gives you a cheeky grin. "May we meet again in the future."

"Hopefully." You bid your farewells and run across the street, holding onto the book he recommended and smiling to yourself like an idiot.

I reopened requests again. If you have any ideas, don't be afraid to share them with me. For anyone who hasn't had their request done yet, you probably never will, even though that's not for sure as well. I know about them all and if I ever decide to do them, I'll tag you.

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