Being bullied

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{Request} BTS members find out you are being bullied.

Hoseok would be heartbroken. He wouldn't understand it. How? Why? How could someone hurt such an amazing and wonderful person like you? He would hug you for a long time, apologizing to you for not being there for you sooner. He would walk you to school etc. all the time and would make you promise to tell him every time something happens. He wouldn't approach the bullies directly but once this information would reach Yoongi, he would pick up his lazy butt, either alone or together with another member, and would beat some sense into the bullies' heads because he wouldn't be able to stand see his Hobi so sad.

Yoongi would comfort you, apologizing for not realizing soon. He would then try to contact authorities, either school director or some other high-ups, and if nothing happened, he would charge at the bullies himself, confronting them about the matter and making them apologize to you. He would be treating you very nicely the whole time, not daring to complain about anything and dropping some compliments here and there.

Seokjin would be furious that someone even dared to lay a finger on you. He would make you some amazing dinner, trying to make you feel at least a bit better. He wouldn't just stay standing around though - he would probably press the authorities to investigate the matter and if that wasn't of much use, he would probably call Namjoon and other members to help him confront the bullies himself.

Namjoon would try to be rational. He would be very sympathetic with you, hugging you to show his support and talking it through with you, trying to find the cause of the bullies attacking you. He would then also try to inform authorities, willing to make his move if they didn't do anything about it. He confront them only verbally at first but would be willing to use his fists as well.

Jungkook would try to act heroic, like Captain America. He would comfort you, sharing his anger about this matter with you and trying to make you feel better about the situation. He would probably go the next day and confront the bullies alone. If he wasn't successful, he would call for his backup and together with them trying to scare the bullies away.

Jimin would be horrified. He wouldn't understand how someone could hate you. He would talk to you about it before calling Namjoon for help. After Namjoon's advice, he would talk to the authorities about it. If it didn't work, he would probably ask Namjoon to help him and go to talk to them with him. He would try avoiding any violence but would fight if the situation required it.

Taehyung would be puzzled. How could anyone possible be doing this to you? He would be heartbroken upon seeing you cry about it, hugging and kissing you to comfort you. He would talk to you about it, trying to understand the situation and would try to give you advices about how to ignore and avoid the bullies. If it didn't help, he would confront them himself.

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