Worried about you w/ NJ

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{Request} They get worried about your mental health and you reject their concerns but later open up to them. Part 3/7


aka the calm, soothing type

(this gif doesn't seem calm or soothing at all but well, he's hot so)

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(this gif doesn't seem calm or soothing at all but well, he's hot so)

Namjoon sits in his studio, doing last check ups in the music and lyrics he wrote before handing them to the agency to become parts of the upcoming album, but his eyes keep flying off to his phone. He expects a call from you as you decided to go out with a friend today and promised to call him from time to time for him to be sure you're okay but it is already 8 pm and you still haven't called.

He picks up his phone and goes through social media and fan cafe before he finds your number and calls you. As the number keeps dialing, he leans back against the chair and sighs deeply while running his hand through hair. He counts down to 47 when you finally pick up.

"Yeoboseyo?" he hears your tired voice.

"Hey, babe, it's me," he says and quietly sighs at relief. "Where are you? Are you still with your friend?"

"No," you say in a weak voice. "I canceled it. I don't feel really well so I stayed at home."

Sudden overhelming worry creates a wrinkle on his forehead. "You don't feel well?"

"Yeah," you reply. "I am really tired and I've got a bad headache."

He leans forward and rests his elbow on the desk. "Have you taken painkillers?"

While he listens to you answering, he frowns. This is the seventh time this month you have cancelled a meeting with your friends and parents. You spend most of your free time at home, aimlessly wandering around the apartment, watching TV shows without any obvious interest or in your bed and he has been worried about you ever since he started noticing the sudden changes in your behaviour and the lack of interest in anything.

"I don't know when I come home today," he exclaims after a moment of silence. "I am still not finished with my work."

"It's okay," your voice replies in the speaker. "Don't rush. Take your time. You want your album to be perfect, right?"

He smiles weakly, although you can't see it. "Yeah, I want to make it the best I can."

"You're great, you can't fail," you try to encourage him.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yeah. I had some leftovers from the fridge."

"There wasn't much. Eat something more before going to sleep."

"It's too late already. But come on, honey, you shouldn't worry about me. Focus on your work. I'll take care of myself, okay?"

He sighs. "You're right. See you later, then?"

He hears a faint smile in your voice. "Yeah. Good luck, jagi."

He puts down the phone and sighs again at the very moment the door open and Seokjin walks in with a cup of hot tea. He puts it on the desk in front of Namjoon and takes the papers out of his hands.

"Thanks, Seokjin," says Namjoon and takes a sip of the drink. "What do you think?"

Seokjin goes through the papers. "I think it's going to be amazing. Pdogg gives it a finishing touch and it'll be great again."

Namjoon nods tiredly. "I hope so."

"I also think," Seokjin adds firmly, "that you need to go home."

The leader gives him a questioning look. "I have to work."

"It's enough for today," Seokjin decides, sits down next to Namjoon and looks him in the eyes. "You won't be able to focus anyway, right? You're worried about Y/N."

Namjoon nods again. "Yeah. It doesn't look good with them these days."

"Then go home," the older encourages him. "Talk to them. Make them feel loved. It's better to do something now than regret it later."

"I guess you're right again." Namjoon gets up and takes on his coat. "I'll be going then. See you tomorrow?"

"Of course, leader," Seokjin smiles. "Good night."

When he gets home, he finds you in the living room, staring at the TV again, without any sign that you're actually paying attention. You don't seem to notice his presence as well until he sits down next to you and makes you look at him.

"Hey, babe," he greets you and kisses you. "How was your day?"

"It was fine," you reply. "How about you?"

"A lot of work," he sighs and makes himself comfortable on the couch. "I've been actually thinking about you the whole day."

"Hm, really?" you say vacantly. "And what did you come to?"

"That I'm worried about you," he says honestly.

You give him a puzzled look. "Why?"

He takes your hand and kisses it. "Honey, I am not blind. I can see you are not well."

You frown a little. "I am just a bit sick, that's all."

"No, you're not," he opposes. "There is something troubling you. I can see it in your eyes. But you refuse to talk to me. Why?"

"You don't have to worry. I don't want to burden you."

He squeezes your hand tightly. "You know you could never burden me. I care about you and I am really worried."

When you say nothing, he continues: "By not talking to me, you're making me even more worried than you would if you told me. What's wrong, darling?"

You sigh and look into your lap. "I didn't want to tell you."

"It's okay, you can always talk to me," he comforts you. "I love you, Y/N. Please, tell me what's going on."

You look up at him, little tears forming in your eyes. "But please, don't be mad."

He kisses your forehead and hugs you. "I would never be. Just tell me and we'll think of a way to solve it, okay? I'll help you as much as I can. You are not alone, alright?"

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