Getting you to study

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{Request} You refuse to study for your upcoming exam and BTS try to convince you otherwise.

Jimin would be stressed more than you. If he found out about this, he would immediately start panicking. "You're not going to study? Are you crazy? What if you fail?" You would just roll your eyes and drop something like: "It's just one test, the world won't end because of it." But after seeing him so stressed, you would agree to study for getting at least 70%.

Namjoon would be very disappointed. He would lecture you about needing to study, explaining to you why it's important to get good grades. He would make you study and would do so with you, trying to help you as much as he can.

Jungkook, being the kid he is, would try to make a deal with you. "If you study and get at least 65%, I'll do anything you want me to." He would bring you candies and snacks during studying and would try to encourage you with it.

Hoseok would be sad. He would tell you his opinion about it and that you should study even if you don't want to. He would be upset and wouldn't talk to you much the whole day. Seeing him like this would eventually make you sit down and open the textbooks. Once Hoseok would find out, he would be sitting there with you and helping you with whatever you needed to understand.

Taehyung would act very disappointed. He would put on his most serious expression and tell you: "Now you disappointed me very much. I thought you knew better than this," before cracking up into a smile. He would start teasing you, dropping comments like: "No, I won't give you good night kisses if you don't study", "If you studied, I would take you out to your favourite restaurant but now you'll have to cook" and such. You would eventually give in. He would then take you out on an amazing date afterwards as a reward for being brave enough to do it.

Yoongi wouldn't take no as an answer. He would make you sit down with your textbooks and study. He would sit there with you, helping you understand what you wouldn't understand. He would also go through what you learnt and give you punishments for every wrong and rewards for every right answer.

Seokjin would turn into a strict person. "No dinner until you learn this!" or "No cuddles and kisses until you tell me what fuction DNA polymerase has in an eukaryotic cell!" He would make sure you study and then go through it with you to make sure you were actually learning. He would give you a kiss or a muffin he baked everytime you managed to satisfy him with your knowledge before sending you back to your room to study.

A/N: I'm so sorry, I forgot about Seokjin. I was studying and forgot to make sure I included him! I'm sorry to you all, I'm so dumb.

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