The Return of Superman

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Synopsis: The Return of Superman is a Korean reality show that follows certain male celebrities fulfilling their role as fathers. The mother leaves the house to have some time to relax or to run her errands while the dads are left alone with their children, going through basic daily tasks, trips and parenting adventures on their own. Sometimes, their celebrity friends appear as guests.

Whatever I write here does not reflect the reality, no BTS member has children yet (unless their kids are secret) and it does not show future or anything. It's just me thinking about what it would be like if they appeared on the show in the future, thus the children are completely fictional. I'm basing this on a post I read where they talked about how many children they want.

Side note: Let's assume they don't appear on the show at the same time. Ages are international.

Children: ♀Jinah (5), ♂Soojin and ♂Woojin (3)

Seokjin's children would be charismatic and very sweet from the moment they appeared on the screen. Anywhere they go, the room would be filled with their presence. Jinah would be the leader of the gang, both her younger twin brothers would follow and copy her, no matter what she would do. The only one not falling for her charm would be her father and he would be the only one able to put her into her place. The children would be very independent and playful, being able to entertain themselves anywhere they were.

There would be an eating scene every episode — Seokjin would make something new and the children would be trying it out. I think Seokjin would be the type of dad to prank his children a lot, always only harmless jokes like hiding vegetables into their meals or telling them stories of fairies living in the woods.

Children: ♂Cheolsoo (4)

Since it would be only Yoongi and Cheolsoo, they would travel a lot. They would explore the city, countrysides and even foreign countries. To make it more adventurous for his son, Yoongi would think of a "quest of the day" each episode, like "the first one to see a chicken is today's winner" or "you have to go to that shop, buy a bottle of juice and bring it to the grandma who let us stay at her place". 

Despite being only 4 years old, Cheolsoo would be clever and cunning, but also socially very skillful. Shopping, running errands or even searching for treasures, none of it would be a problem for him. He would prank his dad a lot, like hiding his shoes or misplacing his coat, but would always come clean about it if it brought any kind of trouble. 

Children: ♂Minki (8), ♀Haeun (6), ♀Hana (5), ♂Dowon (2)

Hoseok's children would be wild and cheerful. It would be hard to calm them down once they get excited, but since Hoseok would join in too, it would cast no trouble. Minki and Haeun wouldn't be present every episode because of their school duties, so it would be mostly Hoseok with Hana and Dowon. Hana would take on the role of big sister very quickly, playing with Dowon and trying to act like a mom.

Generally speaking, it wouldn't be hard to make the episode entertaining when the children were on screen. Even a visit in the park or by a doctor would be an adventure — someone, usually Minki, would think of a game, like playing pirates or whatever would be popular among them at that time, and everyone, even Hoseok, would play the game. A playground would easily become the sea and a pirate ship, a cave would be a hideout for a monster — the children would never get bored.

Children: ♂Seunghoon (4), ♀Seonok (3), ♂Youngsik (1)

Namjoon's children would be full of energy and curiosity, exploring the world around them with enthusiasm. I'm sure Namjoon would try to prank them and try all sorts of tests, but they wouldn't be easily deceived. Thanks to their wit, they might act undisciplined sometimes, but that wouldn't make them any less kind or righteous.

The youngest would be rather loud and excited, always curious about stuff his siblings would be playing with but due to his young age, he would be unable to comprehend what they tell him. Because of him being a baby, they wouldn't be able to travel around much, but that wouldn't make their days any less adventurous.

Children: ♂Taeil, ♂Minwoo and ♂Daehyun (4)

Raising triplets is no fun and Park Jimin is the living proof of that. Due to them being in the age where they become independent and everyone has their own mind, it would be hard to keep them all in one place and all satisfied. It would take all Jimin's fatherly creativity to entertain them. The kids would be pranksters by nature and despite many disagreements, they would work as a team, often against their dad.

I know what you're thinking right now — "Rin, how can you be so cruel? Having triplets is a nightmare." I agree. I have younger brothers who are triplets and let me say, it's not always rainbows and puppies. But from all the members, I think Jimin is the most suitable to raise them. He's playful and childish — plus I would enjoy watching him struggle with them.

Children: ♂Manseok (9), ♀Jieun (7), ♂Myungsoo (4), ♂Youngjae (2), ♂Seunghyun (3 months)

With Manseok and Jieun at school, it would leave Taehyung with three younger children at home. Due to Seunghyun being a little baby, they would mostly stay indoors or go out for a walk. The children would be overall very helpful and creative, being able to turn any situation into fun and giving Taehyung the opportunity to give them valuable life lessons.

The household would be filled with laughter and giggles, mostly due to Taehyung's playful nature that the children would inherit, but also due to the creative ideas children would come up with.

Children: ♀Seoyoon (4), ♂Taejoon (2)

Jungkook wouldn't be a bad father, but let's say he could be sometimes lost — How to answer meddlesome questions about where babies come from? How to comfort a crying two-year-old? Why do the children refuse to eat radish? How to explain that  they can't eat sweets all the time?

Luckily, his eldest daughter would know how to help him. Having watched and learned from her mom, she would guide Jungkook through difficulties and adventures with diapers and dummy. Both children would be very communicative and outgoing, unlike their dad, and extremely courageous, like their dad, often surprising all viewers with how mature they can act. Still, they would mostly choose their playful side and make the funniest out of every situation.

Wow, I think I should spend more time on this matter. I really enjoyed making this. I think this deserves a scenario or a whole chapter each though. 

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