Spring Day w/ HS

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{Suggestion} Spring has come and you decide to spend the day outside when you suddenly meet a very handsome boy.  Part 7/7
A/N: I apologise for late publishing of this chapter. I didn't realise I didn't post it. Please accept my sincere apology and thanks to those who made me aware of my mistake.


It's a beatiful spring day bringing warm weather and for one reason or another, you decide it's the perfect day to go for a run

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It's a beatiful spring day bringing warm weather and for one reason or another, you decide it's the perfect day to go for a run. You change into your running clothes, take a long sip of water and go to the nearest park around your house. The air is warm and filled with birds chirping. Somewhere in the distance you smell food— someone is probably out on a picnic.

You run one round around the area and as you turn for another, you notice someone jogging near you. The person does not look like someone who went for a run. They may wear sport sweatshirt and headband, but their jeans and sneakers give you the hint. When you raise your gaze to meet their eyes, you see a face awfully familiar to you.

"Hoseok?" you say, your legs automatically continuing in the movement. 

The boy jogs next to you, smiling. "Hey, Y/N, long time no see!"

"Long time indeed. It's been like five years since you moved to Seoul." You gaze at him, frowning. "Since when have you started jogging?"

You can see his suddenly flustered expression. "Eh, you know, I picked up a few habits in the north."

"Like jogging in jeans and sneakers?"

"Those are my... jogging jeans and sneakers."

You open your mouth to say something more when you notice the direction he's running to. But before you manage to warn him, he falls into a pond with a huge splash. You stop in your tracks and walk closer in case he needed help. From what you can see though, he's just wet and covered in weed that has fallen into the water.

You burst out in laughter when you see his disgusted face. He returns you a smile as if yours was contagious and splashes the water around him.

"Come on," you say when you're done and offer him a hand. He gladly accepts it and lets your help him stand up. 

"Fortunately, you won't freeze to death," you exclaim with a smile. "The weather is warm, you'll be dry in a while."

"My phone has survived it too," he says after checking the device. "Anyway, I'm happy to see you."

"Same," you nod, smiling. "Hey, since we've bumped into each other like this, want to hang out a bit?"

"Sure, why not? I'm free today."

"Great. How about we bring back some memories?"


You smirk. "Follow me."

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