First kiss

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Jungkook would be very nervous about it. Lacking confidence, he would at first kiss you slightly, just lips brushing against yours before pulling away to see your reaction. If he saw you liked it, he would lean down for one more quick kiss and if you didn't push him away, he would put more passion in it.

Namjoon would be scared. When he held you in his arms, he would see you as something fragile, afraid of hurting you. He would probably tremble, as he caressed your cheek before cupping your face with his big hands, searching for approvement in your eyes. Once he saw it, he would lean down to kiss you, closing his eyes as he pressed his lips against yours. As you hug him tightly around his neck, his confidence would grow a little, showing his sweet and passionate side.

Seokjin would be very sweet and careful. All his movements would be slow enough for you to push him away anytime if you didn't like it. If he saw you don't reject him, he would finally press his lips on yours, holding your face gently in his silky hands. He wouldn't be too passionate in case it would be too much for you in your first kiss but you would be able to feel all his love towards you in it.

Hoseok would just go for it. As you were playing with each other, your faces got a little bit closer than usual. You wouldn't take it anyhow special but his sudden movement would shock you. He just suddenly pressed his lips against yours, caressing your cheek with his thumbs as he did so. He would pull away before you could react and would laugh at your frozen expression, hugging you tightly and whispering how cute you are and how much he loves you.

EDIT 19/01/24: I saw someone say on Twitter that Hoseok would be the type of person to smile during the kiss and I have to say I agree and it's making me want to squish something.

Jimin likes to act cool but once he was about to kiss you, he would be very shy. All his movements and touches would be careful, with his eyes asking you if he does the right thing. He would wrap his arms around your waist, holding you closer to him as he leaned in to kiss you. Once his lips were connected with yours, his confidence would grow and he would quickly become very passionate and loving.

Yoongi would want to play it off cool. You would sit next to each other on a sofa, watching a movie. You would feel bored while watching it because you know the plot and it isn't interesting for you anymore, so you would stand up to go do something more fun. Yoongi would ask you what's wrong and you would honestly answer. He would grin, saying: "We could do something more interesting if you want.", before pulling you onto his lap and softly crashing his lips against yours. He would then suddenly pull back and you would whine, as if you wanted more. "See, isn't this fun enough?" he would tease you. Then he would lean down to kiss you once more, this time more passionately.

Taehyung would be very sweet, unlike his normal random behavior. You would be sitting next to him on a couch and eating something while watching a drama with him. It would be probably a comedy because Taehyung loves your laugh and would want to hear it through the whole film. At the end, as you would laugh until your belly hurt and with your dying laughter, you would look at him. He'd been watching you the whole film without you noticing, adoring how cute you are. Now when you looked at him, he would just lean down to you, pressing his sweet, soft lips against yours while supporting your head with his big hands. If you didn't push him away, he would close his eyes and put more passion into it, making you forget the whole film and just concentrate on this moment.

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