Passing out

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{Request} BTS members come home and find you passed out on the floor.

I am very much sure this is going to totally tear me apart. I'll cry a lot. But I'll do it. I'll be okay.

Namjoon would open the door of your apartment, sighing in exhaustion and stretching his muscles a bit. As he would close the door, he would call: "I'm home!" He would get worried when he wouldn't hear a reply. Where could you be? At a store? Still at work? As he would step into the living room, he would find you lying on the floor. Blood would freeze in his veins and he would turn all pale. He would immediately kneel next to you and take you in his arms, checking your life functions in the process. Once he would find out they're all stable, a huge weight would fall off his chest. He would breathe out in relief, shaking you gently. When you would open your eyes, you would find him kneeling over with tears in his eyes. He would hug you close, telling you: "I was so scared, honey. You were lying here like you were dead... I was afraid I lost you."

Hoseok would come home as cheerful as ever. He would be looking forward seeing you welcoming him home, kissing him lightly and smiling at him as if he was the brightest star in the sky. He would happily shout: "I'm home!" and would walk into the apartment, puzzled from the heavy silence around him. His heart would miss two beats when he would find you fallen to the ground. He would start crying as taking you in his arms and checking your pulse and breathing. He would be tempted to call the ambulance when you would open your eyes. He would shower you with worried questions about your wellbeing and relieved kisses, crying even harder than before as he would be holding you close to him, asking you to never exhaust yourself until the point of passing out.

Seokjin would come home very exhausted from training so much. He would want to surprise you by coming home earlier and would walk into the living room, smiling cheekily. His smile would freeze on his face as he would step into the room, finding you passed out on the floor. He would be onto you in a second, taking your face in his silky hands and checking your state quickly. He would blame himself for not making you go to sleep earlier and for letting you work so much. He would have called the ambulance by the time you woke up. He would make you stay lying, kissing your nose and cheeks, slightly crying and apologizing to you for being a bad boyfriend.

Taehyung would try to take it as cool as he could. He would check your breathing, pulse and temperature, almost passing out himself from relief once he found out you're alright. He would carefully carry you to a couch or the nearest bed, caressing your hair and kissing your head, hoping you would wake up soon. Once you did, he would be all over you, checking every inch of your body, asking if you're okay like hundred times. He would then order your favourite food, holding you close to him the whole evening and night.

I don't want to imagine Jimin coming home, looking forward to seeing you after a long day. I don't want to imagine him coming into the room and finding you on the floor. I DON'T WANT TO IMAGINE THE PAIN AND FEAR IN HIS EYES AFTER REALIZING WHAT IS GOING ON. He would start shaking, running to you and kneeling next to you. He would take you into his arms, quickly checking if you're still alive. He would break down in tears, blaming himself for letting this happen, cursing at himself and caressing your skin. I think he wouldn't be able to do anything, he would be just sitting there, hoping you would wake up. After you do, he would start crying even harder, apologizing to you over the tears and asking you all over and over if you're okay. It might shaken him to the point where he would be anxious to leave you alone for a few minutes.

Jungkook would be heartbroken. If you were awake, you could actually hear his heart break upon seeing you on the floor. He would kneel next to you, checking your breathing and swinging you slightly in his arms while calling Seokjin in panic. He would follow all the advices from Seokjin and would apologize to you once you woke up. He would be careful around you for the next few days, asking you if you're okay occassionaly, sometimes even calling you from work to check up on you.

Yoongi would stand in the door and stare at you in disbelief. There would be the images of you dying flashing before his eyes, recalling all the nightmares he has had about this since he met you. He would come over to you slowly, hoping it's all just another nightmare of his, while he would fall apart inside. The sight of you on the floor would break him. After checking if you're alright, he would hug you and silently cry, apologizing to you thousand times for not being there and not helping you, for letting it come so far and not preventing it. Once you woke up in his arms, he would refuse to let you go, would stay close to you for the rest of the day and would make you promise you will never overwork yourself like this again.

Q: So author-nim, are you okay? Was it that hard to write?

Me, lying on the floor crying:

(I just realized this is me on my period, oops)

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(I just realized this is me on my period, oops)

Update: Yes, of course, if you ever find someone passed out on the floor, check the person, provide first aid if needed and CALL THE AMBULANCE, NOT SEOKJIN if it's serious. But seriously, it would be no fun if it all went like this:

A BTS member, coming home: Oh no, they passed out.

A BTS member, taking a phone: Let's call the ambulance. (A/N: My country doesn't have 911. And Korea doesn't have either. They have 119, dummies)

A BTS member, holding a phone: *calls the ambulance*

A BTS member, putting down a phone: Yeah, let's make some ramyun, it'll take them a while to get here.

My goal was to cry, and make you cry. But in real life, call the ambulance. That's all. 


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