Being sick

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You don't feel good today. You thought it was just a cold but suddenly, you feel dizzy. 

Once catching a glimpse of you stumbling, Yoongi would look up from his work and make eye contact with you. He could see in your eyes that you're not okay. He would stand up, forgetting about his work, and take you from whatever you were doing. He would lay you on the bed and because you kept protesting against taking medicine, he would lay next to you, taking you in his arms. "Then I'll be your medicine," he would say. "Let's sleep and you'll be all better tomorrow."

Jungkook wouldn't know what to do. Once you sat down because your head was spinning, he would be next to you, taking your hand nervously. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" he would ask in a worried tone. "I'm just a bit tired," you would answer to make him less troubled. He wouldn't believe though. Knowing you so good, he would be able to say whether you're being honest or not. "I think you should go to bed early, jagiya," he would suggest. "I'll clean up and you go sleep, okay?"

Namjoon would get very worried as soon as you closed your eyes in pain. Your head hurt so much you had to escape from all the irritant light. It would be only seconds but before you open your eyes, he would be in front of you, taking your palm in one of his big hands and checking up if you have fever with the other one. "You're a bit warmer than usual," he would furrow his eyebrows. "You should go to bed and rest. I hope it's not going to be flu..." After bringing you to the bed, he would burry you in hunderds of questions, like "Do you want some hot tea?", "Should I bring another blanket?" or "Is the pillow comfortable?" He would be so worried he would probably sit down next to your bed and hold your hand even after you fall asleep just to make sure you won't get any worse.

Seokjin would notice something's off even before you start feeling like throwing up. He would treat you even more nicely than usual (if that's even possible) and would take care of you, making you hot tea and doing everything you want while you were lying in bed. If you really needed to puke, he would be there by your side, patting your back with one hand and holding your hair out of your face with the other.

Jimin would panic the moment you quietly complain about your headache but wouldn't show it. He would wrap you into a fluffy blanket, make you hot cocoa and snuggle up to you. He would let you use his shoulder as a pillow and would want to keep you by his side, so that you wouldn't feel alone, kissing your head time to time and checking on your fever. If you whispered him about something you want, he would be quickly on his feet and bring it to you, no matter what it was. He would be really sweet and caring, brightening your day by his eyesmile.

It wouldn't take Taehyung long to realize you're not feeling well. One stumble or trace of imbalance and he would be next to you, helping you to stand on your two feet while making a worried face. "Does anything hurt?" he would ask. You would explain everything that troubled you and he would just nod, before pulling you into a hug. If you weren't able to walk by yourself, he would carry you to the bed, lying next to you and holding your hand until you fall asleep.

Hoseok would be scared shitless. He wouldn't be able to accept that his jagi was anyhow hurting. He would bring you to the nearest couch and make you tea in order to make you a bit warmer as you're shivering in cold. He would wrap you into a blanket while holding you in his arms, trying to make you as warm as you need to. He would fulfill all your wishes and would be in heaven everytime you smile.

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