Worried about you w/ JK

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{Request} They get worried about your mental health and you reject their concerns but later open up to them. Part 1/7


aka the worried, indecisive type

Jungkook sits at the table, inconspicuously eyeing you from behind music sheets

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Jungkook sits at the table, inconspicuously eyeing you from behind music sheets. You sit right opposite of him, unaware of him watching you. He frowns slightly and looks back into his papers. You always look so sad when you think he doesn't see you. He never confronted you about it as he never felt like you want to talk about this.

"Are you alright?" he dares to ask.

You look up from your laptop, a little taken back by his question. "What?"

"You look sad," he says. "You've been actually looking really down lately. Is there anything going on?"

You shake your head a bit after an unnoticable pause. "I am okay, there is nothing wrong. Don't worry."

He did notice that moment of shock and silence though. He looks at you and nods, altough he's not fully convinced. "If you say so. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"


"Y/N," he says, getting a bit worried again.

"Oh, yeah, sure," you mutter quickly. "Of course I know."

"You are really unfocused today," he comments. "Don't you want to take a break? Have a snack and take a nap or something?"

You shake your head. "There's no need to. I need to finish this."

He takes an apple from the bowl on the table and throws it in the air before catching it again. "You eat really little these days too. And you don't sleep much either."

You almost choke on your saliva. You forgot just how attentive your boyfriend is. "I do eat and I do sleep."

He gives you that doubting look you really dislike on him. He looks as if he saw right into your soul, could hear all your secrets. You shiver slightly upon that thought. You love him, that's for sure, actually more than anything in the whole world but there are some things in the world you don't really want him to know. He's got a lot of work and if he was constantly worried about you on top of it (which he would for sure be), he might have then problems with keeping up his career.

"Are you really sure there is nothing going on?" he asks once more.

You give him a small smile. "Of course, there's nothing you should worry about." You point to his music sheets. "Now get back to work, you need to memorize it if you want to have a comeback soon."

He nods and goes back to his work. He keeps an eye on you though. And soon he notices that the sad look on your face returns and this time seems deeper and sadder.

"Okay, we're done for today," Namjoon announces. He takes a deep breath and wipes the sweat away from his face. "God, this dance is complicated."

Seokjin laughs. "Yeah, I agree."

Hoseok shakes his head. "It's not. You just do this, this, this, that and this..." He performs a perfect series of the right moves and smiles at the end. "See, not complicated at all."

While the members still chat about the difficulty of the choreography, Jungkook quickly throws all his things into his bag and zips it up. Taehyung just stares at him with an unspoken question written all over his face.

"Where are you rushing?" he asks curiously. "Is Y/N alright?"

Jungkook stops in the middle of a movement and sighs. "I don't really know."

The older boy looks at him with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

"Y/N doesn't talk to me," Jungkook says with quiet frustration in his voice. "I don't know what to do."

"Talk," Taehyung says. "Ask. Listen. Make them talk."

The maknae slowly nods. "Yeah. You're right. I gotta go. Bye."

Taehyung waves at him, the other murmur a goodbye and Jungkook practically runs out of the door of their practice room. He goes through the building without thinking, his mind is already directed to you. He needs to talk to you. He should have talked to you earlier but for some reason he didn't. And he feels guilty.

You don't leave his mind even in the moment he quietly unlocks the door of your apartment and enters the hallway. It's dark and silent in the apartment but he sees a faint light coming from the half-closed kitchen door. He kicks off his shoes, takes a deep breath and steps in.

What he finds surprises him. As he enters, the first thing coming into his visual field is you sitting on the couch with eyes red and puffy from crying and on your face darkened by the deepest sadness he has ever seen on anyone. He freezes on the spot, unable to go forward or do anything.

You look up with a surprise in your face. Your lips then form a little, very sad smile. "Hey, Jungkook."

He shudders and quickly comes back to his senses. With a few long steps he passes the room and sits next to you, taking your hands into his and looking deep into your eyes. "Y/N, what is wrong?" He follows your glance when you try to break the eye contact. "Please, talk to me."

You keep quiet.

"Please," he begs you in a calm, low voice. "Please, Y/N. I'm here for you."

You sigh deeply. "I have been not so well lately," you confess in a quiet voice.

"And what makes my jagi unhappy?" Jungkook asks softly, wrapping his arms around you. "Just, talk to me, okay?"

You calm down in his embrace and nod. "Will you please listen?"

He smiled. "Anything for you, my love."

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