Do you want to build a snowman, Taehyung?

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{Request} You go out on a snowy day and build a snowman with them. Part 2/7


You get woken up by your boyfriend snuggling up to you

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You get woken up by your boyfriend snuggling up to you. When you open your eyes, you find yourself buried in his embrace, his sleepy smile shining like a sun. He caresses your cheek and kisses your nose.

"Good morning, sunshine," he greets you, his voice an octave lower than usual. "Did you sleep well?"

You smile. "I couldn't sleep better when I have my perfect boyfriend by my side." You kiss him lightly on his lips and sit up.

"Don't get up yet," he whines and pulls you back to the bed. "Let's cuddle a bit more."

"I have to wash myself," you protest weakly but soon hide your face in his chest as he throws his strong arms around your body. He holds you close like a teddy bear and you feel warm and safe.

After a few minutes, he starts snoring. You open your eyes to see him sleeping soundly, his head thrown back and his mouth open. You smack his arm and he wakes up again.

"Don't sleep," you tell him. "You already woke me up, so get up."

He groans in distress. "It's cold."

"Don't be a whiny kid, come on," you pull his leg before standing up and making your way to the bathroom. You examine your face in the mirror while you brush your teeth when something moves on your right and you almost have a heart attack. Taehyung sits on the floor next to the sink, taking his tooth brush and cleaning his teeth with an innocent, blank expression. You finish your morning routine, ruffle his hair and go to the kitchen.

"Please!" he yells after you. "Will you make pancakes today? I love pancakes."

You smile to yourself and walk into the kitchen.  You pour flour into a bowl, crack two eggs, put some sugar, salt, butter, milk and baking powder and start blending the mixture. Suddenly Taehyung appears next to you and takes it from your hands.

"Ya, what are you doing?" you smack his arm.

"I'll mix it for you," he says with a big smile on his face. "You are so nice, jagi. You are actually making pancakes."

"Of course I am," you agree. "You asked me to make them."

He put the bowl on the kitchen counter, pulled you close and kissed you, deeply and passionately. You yelp a bit but soon give in, letting him caress your back and tangling your fingers in his hair. When he pulls away, another big smile spreads across his face.

"You are the best," he says cheerfully. "I love you."

"Hush, let me through," you push him away, "or I'll never finish them."

He smiles again and pulled up a chair so he could watch you working. He put his chin on the back of the chair, smiling at you running around the stove and putting the dough on the pan.

After a while, you settle at the table, stuffing your mouths with pancakes. Taehyung pours maple syrup at it as he saw in America and doesn't stop complimenting your cooking skills, although you made only simple pancakes.

"Hm, Y/N?" he says when he finishes his ninth piece. "Do you want to go out today?"

"Sure," you nod. "Do you have anything in mind?"

He blushes. "Well... Do you want to build a snowman?"

You laugh. "Of course! It's going to be fun!"

He claps excitedly, finishes his twelth pancake and helps you wash the dishes. Once everything is clean, you both dress up into warm coats and make your way out of the apartment. You walk down the street, passing couples on dates, children snowball fighting and happy dogs playing in the fresh fallen snow.

As you're going by a pile of snow, Taehyung suddenly pushes you and you fall into the cold white mountain. You sit up, smirk and throw snow at him. He yelps when a bit of it gets under his collar.

You laugh. "That's what you get for throwing me to the ground."

He chuckles and takes your hand, helping you stand up. Once you're on your feet, he leans forward and quickly kisses you. "And that's what you get for throwing snow at me."

You push him away. "Stop it and let's find a spot for our snowman."

He nods in agreement and tries to steal another kiss from you but you dodge his attack this time. Instead you run into the park and point at a flat ground. "Let's go there!"

"Do we want one big snowman?" you ask when he catches up.

"I would do a small snowman family," Taehyung suggests. "Wouldn't the big snowman feel lonely?"

"True," you agree. "So let's get working!"

You both start rolling snowball of different sizes and putting them on the said spot. Taehyung sometimes purposely bumps into you, teasing you as he laughs when he runs away before you can smack him.

You then put the balls on top of each other, building seven little snowmen in total. Once they are all built, Taehyung opens his mouth in shock and gives you an apologizing gaze: "I forgot to bring carrots."

"That doesn't matter," you wave your hand. "We can just take sticks -"

"No," he refuses. "I'll go to a store and buy them."

Before you can say anything, he's already turning around and running away. You sigh but let him go. In the meantime, you find little stones and put them on the snowmen as eyes, mouth and buttons, making them look as if they wore coats.

Taehyung returns after twenty minutes, carrying a bad of small carrots. He gives you a proud smile, kneels in front of your snowman family and give each one of them an orange nose. When he's satisfied with his work, he stands up and looks at you.

"That is the father," he says and points at one of them. "The one next to him is the mother. The biggest one is the oldest son. These two small are his younger sisters. And those two are grandparents."

"They look so small and happy," you smile and hold his cold hand, kissing it and trying to warm it up with your own. He turns to face you and pulls you into his hug. You snuggle up to him and bit before turning your face and kissing him. He raises one of his hand to support your head as he leans in and returns the kiss. You spend a few minutes completely lost in each other before you pull away for some air.

He locks his eyes with you and pecks your nose. "You are the most amazing person on this planet."

You blush a little and kiss his cheek. "And you're the cheesiest boyfriend I could have gotten."

"Only the best of best," he smirks and kisses your forehead. "How about I make dinner tonight?"

"And what are you going to make?"

"Hm... let's say I'll order chicken or some Chinese take-out food. What do you say?"

"Okay," you agree and take his hand. "And now let's go for a walk so we would deserve such a meal, okay?"

He laughs and tightens his grip around your hand. "I love you, you know?"

"I love you too."

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