Going back

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They were on a tour and after some time, they are coming back home to you.

Jimin would sit right next to the window, his face pressed against the cold glass, impatiently swinging his legs and waiting for the plane to land. As soon as it did, he would be the first one at the door, holding himself hard from running. The moment he stepped into the airport hall, he would almost tear his head from the neck from all the looking around to find you. He would scan the whole row of people waiting for their family members and friends, trying to find you. And then, it would take him just one glance at you and he would know it's you. He would forget everything - other members, the luggage, his image - he would just start running forward until he held you in his arms again. He would hug you tightly, whispering how much he had missed you and letting a few tears escape his eyes.

You know, Yoongi is a cool guy, so he wouldn't show much emotion during the flight, maybe tap his feet, ocassionally smile in excitment or be more cheerful than normally, but it wouldn't be as markable as by Jimin. Once he was in the hall, he would probably try to still maintain his image but would secretely look for you. He would know you wouldn't be right in the centre of everyone, looking for you a bit further away from the gate. Once he saw you sitting on a bench, looking into your phone, he would quicken up his pace a bit, but still walk calmly and coolly. But once he reached you and you raised your head, he would smile with his gummy smile and just take you in his arms and kiss you all over the face because he missed you so much and now all the puzzle pieces of his life came together because he's with you.

Seokjin would sit quietly, scolding others for being too loud from time to time, and think about you the whole time, just staring out of the window and daydreaming about you being back in his arms, not really paying attention to anything from what he saw below. He would be the first one to get off the plane, taking big steps to be in the hall as fast as he can. You would stand there, smiling widely at him and his heart would flutter at the sight of you, seeing how beautiful and amazing you are, even if you had bed hair and an old hoodie, he would just see you and you are the most beautiful person on this world for him. He would come to you, give you his wide smile, saying: "I'm home, jagi." before taking you in his arms and hug you, for seconds, minutes, sniffing your hair and whispering to you just how he missed you and how much more beautiful you got over the time he was away.

Hoseok would be so hype and excited during the whole flight, like randomly approaching people and starting to tell them about you and how he's looking forward to see you again. He would be the one scolded by mama Jin the whole time but literally wouldn't give a damn, just smiling and looking so happy just from the thought of you. He would be the first one at the door, beginning to start as soon as it opens. He would run into the airport hall and you would stand there at the end of it, smiling widely at him and he would rush to you, starting crying along the way and literally jumping at you as he would hug you, probably not letting you go even after you got into the car, just clinging onto you and listening to your voice because he missed it so damn much, as well as your whole existence because you're his sunshine and his world and he can't live without you.

Taehyung would be another one scolded by Jin on the plane. He would be as hype as Hobi, just more in his unique way of behaviour. He would talk about you the whole time, be teased by his members and everytime someone said your name, he would giggle and grin and couldn't wait to see you again. Once he was in the airport hall, he would run directly to you because you would stand there, waiting for him patiently, and take you into his arms, spinning your around, you both laughing upon seeing each other again. He would hug the soul out of you and if he ever let go of you, he would grab you by your hand, refusing to split with you or even let you go further than few centimetres from him. He would smile and grin everytime he looked at you and you would return him every smile because you would be as excited as him and he just knows it.

Namjoon wouldn't be as hype as the other members. He would probably read a book or listen to music, ignoring everyone else and just smiling cutely from the thought of you. He would seem really calm but inside, he would feel a giant tornado of emotion, being overly excited and impatient to see you again. Once in the hall, he would look around for you and when he finally saw you, he would smile widely and coming over to you in careful steps, still having his image on his mind. But once he was in front of you, he would let the rollercoaster of feelings take over and just wrap his arms around you, swaying your from side to side, thanking gods and everyone in the world for letting him be with you again. He would smile for the rest of the day, following you like a puppy, trying to be with you as much as he can and you would let him because you missed him too and you know just how much he loves you because you love him the same and just being together would be the greatest gift for both of you.

Jungkook would be teased by other members the most, I think. He would shyly undergo the whole journey, just wanting to be with you already. Once the plane landed, he would be all impatient and upset, trying to get off the plane as fast as he can. When he reached the airport hall, he would get lost. He wouldn't be able to see you and his heart would sink low into his pants. Did you really not come? Did something happen? But then he would finally see your face in the crowd and he would be the happiest person alive, smiling widely and going over to you, hugging you and telling you how much he missed you and how lonely it was without you.

A bit late but happy New Year! ^^

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