Do you want to build a snowman, Yoongi?

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{Request} You go out on a snowy day and build a snowman with them. Part 1/7


You wake up snuggled up to your boyfriend

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You wake up snuggled up to your boyfriend. He is sleeping with his mouth a bit open and the most innocent expression on his face. You smile and move a bit up to kiss his cheek. He whines quietly but doesn't wake up. You carefully wriggle out of his embrace and sit up. His face looks so peaceful. You let him sleep and get up.

You shiver in cold that spread over your body the moment you left Yoongi's warm arms. You reach the kitchen and boil some water to make yourself tea. As you open the sunblinds to let light in, you notice the snow falling. Sudden wave of excitment pours over you. It's snowing! The winter is here!

Smile spreads on your face. You were so tired of the constant cold, raining, bare trees and uncertain hope that it would snow this year. Not always plays the weather the way you want it to. But today, it seems rather positive.

You start making breakfast when you hear the bedroom door open and a big yawn. You don't even raise your head and say: "Good morning, Yoongi. Did you sleep well?"

He yawns once again before standing behind you and leaning against your back. He hugs you and yawns again. "You woke up so early again."

You laugh. "Well, it's almost 11 am."

"Early," he nods. "What are you making?"

"Beansprout soup," you reply. "I wanted to make guksu noodles to it."

"Can I help?" he asks and pulls away, looking for something he could help out with.

"Rice is in two minutes. And kimchi is in the fridge. How about you take it out and cut it for us?"

He does as you say. "Is this breakfast or lunch by the way?"

"Something in between."

After a while, you settle down at the table and eat. Yoongi must have been really hungry considering how much he eats today. You smile to yourself. Good, he'll need a lot of energy if you want to suggest today's plans.

In the end, you look at him expectingly. "Yoongi?"

He raises his eyes to meet yours, confused. "Uh, yes?"

"Do you want to build a snowman?" you ask.

He raises a brow. "You want to watch Frozen?"

"It's snowing outside," you gesture to the window. "And it's cold. We could go and build a snowman."

He almost chokes on a piece of rice. "You want to go out in this cold?"

"Uhm, yes?"

"Don't you rather want to get some sleep, hm?"

"Aw, come on, Yoongi," you whine. "I haven't built a snowman in years. And it could be fun!"

"Y/N -"

"Hey, consider it a date, okay? Come on, say yes. Don't make me sad like this."

He sighs. "Fine. But once the snowman is done we're going home, okay?"

"Sure." You give him a smile and excitedly finish the meal. Once he chews the last piece of rice, you pull him away from the table and make him start dressing up. He groans, clearly annoyed, but does what you want him to.

Soon, you are both wrapped tightly in coats and scarves. You hurry out of the door, running down the stairs and jumping into the first snow hill you meet. Yoongi tries to pass by but you pull him down next to you. He screams in shock as he falls and you start laughing when his face disappears in the white blanket covering the ground.

"Kissing the snow sooner than me?" you complain while giggling. Your laugh is soon interrupted by his cold and snowy lips pressed against yours, making you yelp in surprise and melting your heart.

He pulls away with a smirk and stands up, taking your hands to help you up. "Liked that?"

You give him a peck on his cheek and laugh. "Very." You pull his hand. "Come on, let's build a snowman!"

He lets out a chuckle but follows you into a park. There are children screaming and snowball fighting. He passes by a group of ten-year-olds almost hitting him with one. When he reaches you, you are already kneeling in the snow and rolling a snowball. He leans down and helps you roll it until it's big enough to be called a snowman's butt. You both set it on a flat ground and look at it for a while.

"I'll do the head," you instruct after a moment. "You make the chest."

"Do we even have a carrot or something for its nose?" he asks doubtfully.

You fish a carrot out of your pocket. "Don't tell me you thought I would go build a snowman unprepared."

He shrugs and starts rolling another snowball. He runs with it in your direction, suddenly jumping at you from behind and throwing you both into the snow. You land on him who starts laughing when he sees your surprised expression.

"Hey," you hit him with your hand lightly, embarrassed. "You scared me."

"Sorry, jagi," he laughs and kisses your nose. "But you are so beautiful, I just couldn't hold back."

You blush and stand up. "Stop flirting and start working."

He chuckles but returns to work. He has his snowball finished sooner than you, watching you struggle with the head before moving up to help you. He takes you the ball and finishes it himself. He then settles it on top of the chest and smiles to himself.

"Well, now it's your time to shine," he says. "Make it the most beautiful snowman in the world."

You pull out your carrot, dig up a few colourful stones and put it on the snowman. When you finish decorating him, Yoongi stands next to you and throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close and kissing your cheek. He takes out his phone and snaps a picture of you two, then one of the snowman.

"How are you gonna call it?" he asks. "Olaf?"

"Hm, I would call it simply Nunsaram," you reply.

"Use your imagination a bit, ya!" he scolds you.

You laugh. "Let's call it Pabo then. Yoongi Pabo."

"Ah, what a beautiful name," he agrees. "Almost as good as Min Genius."

You turn to him. "Do you want to go home then?"

"I was thinking about a cup of hot chocolate in the café nearby," he shakes his head. "What do you say?"

You raise an eyebrow. "You would do that?"

He takes gently your hand in his and gives you a loving smile. "Come on, let's warm you up. Your cheeks are completely cold."

You return his tight grip and kiss him. "You're the best, you know that?"

"Of course I do," he gives you a sheepish smile and gestures to the café across the street. "I'll buy you anything you want. So let's go, I'm super cold."

A/N: I got a tip to write something about myself. Are you guys interested or should I just continue writing BTS related stuff?

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