Preference #1: How you met

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Damon Salvatore: 

The moon was half full, and the air was frigid as I walked through the forest to get to my house. 

"I'm sorry Tyler! I just can't do this anymore! And it seems like your not interested either," I yell, exasperatedly holding my phone to my ear. 

"Are you really going to do this over the phone Y/N? Come on, I wasn't even looking at those girls!" he protests. 

I sigh, and run my hand through my hair, its ends getting knotted around my slim fingers. I was so sick of being second and third best to Tyler. I had really tried to maintain my anger for the past few weeks, but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. 

"God, that's not the point Ty! You're always looking for more! I know you don't want to be in this relationship anymore, so guess what, I'm letting your little wings fly free. Goodbye." I say curtly, and hang up before I can get a response. 

Shutting my eyes in frustration, I accidentally stumbled over a rock and tumbled into the moist and cold grass. I cried out in shock as my ankle twisted painfully. Then I heard something rustle. 

Squinting, I looked through the fog that had started to form around me, and lightly gasped as I saw a mans silhouette coming towards me. Trying not to whimper, I rolled my ankle around to see how stable it was. 

"Hey, I saw you fall. Are you okay?" the man said, now close enough that I could see his piercing blue eyes. 

I was struck by his attractiveness, and words failed to leave my mouth.

"Uhh, y-yeah. I just tripped," I managed to say after a few seconds, my lips numb from the cold. 

"What's a girl like you doing all alone in the middle of the forest? At night?" he inquired curiously. 

"What do you mean, a girl like me?" I asked, slightly offended. Did he think I was just some helpless small girl. Well, he did see me fall, so I guess I can't blame him. 

"I didn't mean anything. I just meant that there could be predators out here in the woods," he said ominously. 

"Umm, okay," I laughed lightly. "Please, it's Mystic falls. Nothing bad ever happens here."

He smirked at that, looking as if he knew something I didn't. 

"I'm sure you're right," he assured, reaching a hand out to help me up. 

I thanked him and pulled myself up, straining on my leg. He put another hand on my hip, intending to stabilise me, but I froze as tingles from his touch went up my spine. 

"Oh, sorry," he said almost bashfully, which seemed like the opposite of his personality, and took his hands away.  

Suddenly it dawned on me that I had already spent 5 minutes at night, in the middle of the forest with a man that seemed a few years older than me. 

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