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Requested by:CherryBlossom9999 

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Requested by:CherryBlossom9999 

Your ex-boyfriend Tyler bites you, and Klaus cures you with his blood

I had broken up with Tyler a few weeks ago, but I don't think he took it very well. It was obvious he had anger problems, but I really thought he was going to let it go after a few days. I mean, it's not like he didn't see the break up coming. 

We had had so many fights about me not being involved enough, and him being too jealous and possessive. And I had really had enough! I wanted to be in a healthy relationship, and that was definitely not going t happen with him!

And so I had avoided him for a few days, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to avoid him forever. 

I was walking through the woods to help with the search with Matt. Apparently he had been buried alive by Katherine's daughter, Nadia or something. 

I didn't really care if Matt lived or died, but I knew my friends cared about him, so I decided to help out. 

"MATT!" I yelled out, my voice already hours from the 20 minutes I had spent screaming. 

I used my vampire hearing, but I couldn't hear anything. Granted, I was a newbie vampire, and I still hadn't gotten my new powers under control. 

"Ember," I heard a male voice say, and I spun around to see Tyler stalking towards me, not looking very happy. 

"Tyler," I said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping with the search party," he replied. "And looking for you."

I gulped obviously, and continued walking, perhaps a little faster now. 

He grunted in annoyance and march after me, his heavy boots clunking in the muddy leaves. 

"We need to talk," he said firmly, catching up to me, and grabbing my upper arm. 

I turned around in anger, my green eyes blazing and my dark locks whipping around me. 

"I have said all I needed to say. And all I've wanted to say, for that matter," I hissed, and wrenched my arm out of his grip. 

"You'll never find anyone like me again," he threatened, baring his teeth. 

I rolled my eyes. "Um, that's kinda the point. I don't want to find anyone like you again."

His cheeks blazed in fury, as his pride got wounded. 

"Now you listen to me," he began furiously, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand. 

"No, you listen," I stated calmly, grabbing his throat and pushing him up against a tree. 

His eyes bulged and he gaped at me in shock. 

"I am done listening to you and the garbage spewing out of your math. Now you leave me the hell alone, or I'll make sure you'll never be able to walk again," I said lowly, peering into his dark eyes.

As if remembering that he was a hybrid, he grabbed the wrist on the hand choking him, and twisted, sending me turning around in agony as my arm got bent. 

He whispered a bunch of dirty names for me, before hauling me up, and this time throwing me against a tree. 

My head banged hard on the bark, and I groaned in pain. While my vision was still black, Tyler in his blind rage speeded towards me, sinking his teeth into my neck. 

I gaped as the toxin sunk into my skin, as well as the sharp pain of his teeth piercing my flesh, and managed to push him off of me. 

As if realising what he had done, he stumbled back a few steps, his hands flying up to his mouth in realisation. 

"Ember, I didn't mean–" he began, but I stomped forwards and abruptly snapped his neck, feeling a little better after he face-planted in a mud puddle.

Then a wave of nausea went through me, and my vision clouded with spots. I bent over, leaning on a tree for support, and tried to remain conscious. 

A low sound of pain escaped my mouth, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as my body collapsed on the crunchy autumn floor. 

∆ ∆ ∆

"Ember, wake up. Wake up!" I heard a satisfying British voice say, and I opened my eyes foggily, the world tilted to the side. 

I felt a hand go under my head, and I was propped up in a sitting position with support of a tree, and my vision cleared. 

"Klaus?" I croaked, glimpsing the dirty-blonde haired man crouching in front of me in concern. 

"What happened to you love?" he asked, brushing some hair out of my eyes. 

"Tyler bit me," I choked out, the world going hazy again. 

It must have only been an hour or so, because I hadn't started hallucinating yet. 

He peeled a part of my shirt from my shoulder, and let out a breathy whistle at seeing my ferocious bite. 

"That's gotta hurt," he whispered. 

"Why are you even in town?" I asked him curiously. 

"I was coming for a visit. I also had some errands to run," he replied vaguely. 

Suddenly I pushed him to the side, and vomited on the ground, earning a sound of disgust from him. 

"Let's heal you up," he said, and bit into his wrist, his eyes turning a luminous amber, and his veins appearing. 

My mouth watered at the smell of his blood, and as if in response, my bite started burning more intensely. 

He put an arm around my shoulders, and leaned me into his wrist, where I gratefully sucked from the cut, lapping the blood up. 

After I was done,  he extended a hand, helping me up to my feet. 

Still a little dizzy from the bite, I stumbled into his chest clumsily, and my cheeks reddened as he supported me with an arm around my waist. 

"Thank you," I said appreciatively, and he nodded.

 "I wasn't going to leave you to die," he told me, lingering feelings still in his eyes. 

I cleared my throat awkwardly, and stepped out of his grip. When he had been staying at Mystic Falls more permanently, we had had a fling, but then he left, and I started dating Tyler. 

Thank god that was over. 

"I'm gonna kill that bloody boy," he growled, remembering that it was Tyler who had done this to me. 

"NO, please don't kill him," I yelped. "But we can get him a taste of what he deserves. 

We both smiled deviously at one another, looking at Tyler's knocked out body. 

∆ ∆ ∆

The next morning, Tyler woke up in the middle of a desert in Egypt, without any of his clothes, and bald. 

Also, unbeknown to him, his scalp was died a deep purple.

I know, I know, it was a little dramatic and extreme, but what can I say....

It was in the style of Klaus. 

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed that CherryBlossom9999!


And we are so close to 5k reads! I'm so excited lol! 

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