Preference #15: What your favourite hobby together is

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Damon Salvatore: 

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Damon Salvatore: 

You love cooking together. However, you are a terrible cook, and it takes all of Damon's willpower to keep you from blowing up the house. Though one time, you started a fire in the kitchen, almost potentially killing Damon. He wasn't very happy about getting a new stove, but he forgave you. And you still try to cook. 

Stefan Salvatore: 

You love hiking together. Okay, you are not the most fit person, and since you are human, you need a lot of breaks, whereas Stefan could just zoom up the mountain. Most of your hikes end in him piggy back riding you, while you yelled how dead you are, and how you will never do this again. But you do go again, if only for the scenery.

Klaus Mikaelson:

You love painting together. He had been teaching you for many weeks, and you were finally ready to be painting for real, by his side. Yes, his painting was a 1000 times better than yours, and he couldn't even identify what you had been painting, it was still fun. Besides, you claimed that your painting had been more abstract than anything. 

Elijah Mikaelson: 

You love playing board games with each other, especially ones all about strategy. Since he is much wiser and older than you, he's had much more experience in beating someone's butt. However, he goes easy on you, still winning, but without gloating. But in some occasions, he can't stop himself from teasing you, and doing a little dance after's he's won for the millionth time. 

Jeremy Gilbert: 

You two love to go and try out different camps, especially ones that teach cool things, like archery. If you're not at a camp, then you enjoy working out with him, even though he's much fitter than you, plus his hunter complex. You find archery really fun, but don't have any aim, almost impaling the instructor once. And all Jeremy does is laugh in the background, thinking you can't hear him.

Kai Parker: 

You love singing together, and even though he won't admit it, he's an amazing singer. And you're not too shabby either. While you guys suck at harmony, you sing duets often, not caring if the whole street hears you screeching. Your favourite songs to sing together are Disney ones, but you knew if you told anyone that, he would murder you. 

Kol Mikaelson:

You love going clubbing together. What you like about it is just getting to have a break from all the stress in your life. Plus you love dancing with him and listening to the pulsing music. What you don't like so much are the hundreds of ladies hitting on him, and buying him drinks. He even has guys asking him out! But he pays them no attention, his eyes only on you. 

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