Imagine #13: Damon

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You go to a party, and Damon happens to be there :)

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You go to a party, and Damon happens to be there :)

"Do I really have to go to this tonight?" I groaned unceremoniously. 

"Yes Y/N! I already told you, I'm going because I have to get over my break up with Matt, and you're going because, to be honest, you need to actually talk to other humans," she replied honestly, combing my hair for me. 

"Rude!" I exclaimed, grabbing the comb and doing my hair myself. 

"It's true! Isn't it Bonnie?" Caroline looked at Bonnie for backup. 

I glared at Bonnie, but she smiled sheepishly at me.

"Caroline has a point Y/N. You social skills aren't very top notch," she admitted. 

"It's not my fault everyone in this world is either mean, stupid, or crazy attractive. I can't handle people!" I protested, but they just laughed, and Caroline took the comb from my hand. 

"Okay ladies, we want to look hot tonight! So Y/N, let me do your hair," she added snakily, and I gasped dramatically. 

∆ ∆ ∆

1 hour later, I was in a slightly uncomfortable tight dress and heels, with my hair done in a half up half down braid. 

"We look amazing," Bonnie squealed, linking our hands together. 

Caroline insisted on taking a selfie, and so I smiled awkwardly and then we were ready to go. 

"Can't I wear sneakers instead?" I begged, but Caroline frowned. 

"Y/N, beauty hurts okay? You just gotta deal with it. Besides, sneakers will ruin the outfit," she explained, and I grimaced. 

"Please say we aren't walking a lot then," I countered, and she giggled. 

"No silly! I got us an Uber!" she whispered as if it were a secret, though we all knew she just compelled the driver. 

10 minutes later we were at a party at some random person's house. 

"Seriously Caroline? There are so many people here!" I whined, walking closely behind her. 

"And that's why I invited people we know," she revealed, pointing to three people walking towards us. 

It was was Stefan and Elena, hand in hand, and Damon trailing along behind them, looking irritated. 

I smiled a little at his cute expression, his lips all pouty and his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Wow Damon, aren't you a little old to be at this party," Bonnie inquired, and he rolled his eyes. 

"Do you think I came here by choice?" he asked, and we laughed. 

"Well we dragged Y/N here as well, maybe you two will have a conversation starter," Caroline said, nudging me suggestively. 

"Oh no, I am actually gonna get a drink," I said nervously, already walking to the table.

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